Englisches Seminar
Universität Münster
Here you find what you need to do in order to pass this course:
Study the textbook: Fennell, B.,
A History of English: a Sociolinguistic Approach
(Oxford, 2001). Prepare the relevant pages, and note all problems and arising
questions for discussion in class. It is recommended that you consult further
publications for more information, e.g. Barber, C.,
The English Language: a Historical Introduction
, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 2000) [S FA 1993:3], and Millward, C. M.,
A Biography of the English Language,
2nd ed. (Fort Worth, 1996) [S FA 1996:3]. A good collection of texts from all
periods of English language history is Burnley, D.,
The History of the English Language: a Source Book
, 2nd ed. (Harlow, 2000) [S FA 1992:3].
Study and prepare the handouts found on the BSCW Server or in the folder in the Departmental Library. Note all problems and arising questions for
discussion in class.
Here you can find a
with further publications.
Regular participation and preparation as well as commitment in class.
Final examination in Session 11 (10 July 2006).
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