Englisches Seminar
Universität Münster
Here you find what you need to do in order to pass this course:
If you are scheduled to give a presentation, prepare the relevant pages and a handout for your fellow students. Summarise the text in no more than ten minutes.
Study the textbook: Trudgill, P., and J. Hannah,
International English: a Guide to the Varieties of Standard English, 4th ed. (London, 2002). Prepare the relevant pages, and note all problems and arising questions for discussion in class. It is recommended that you consult
further publications for more information, especially McArthur, T.,
Oxford Guide to World English (Oxford, 2002) [4.0 McAr 2002].
Study and prepare any relevant handouts sent out by e-mail and found in the
folder labelled
Traxel Proseminar
in the departmental library. Note all problems and arising questions for
discussion in class.
Here you can find a
with further publications.
Piece of coursework to be handed in by 8 October (discussion of topics in final session).
Regular participation and preparation as well as commitment in class. This may
be taken into account when calculating the final mark.
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