Sascha Alexeyenko


Guest editor of a special issue "Constraining Linearization" in Linguistic Variation
  (with Katharina Hartmann)


Manner modification at the syntax-semantics interface: Adjectives and adverbs
  under contract with De Gruyter (series Interface Explorations)


Linearization of complex modifiers: Ways of (dis)obeying the Head-Final Filter
  (with Hedde Zeijlstra)
  in revision for Linguistic Inquiry

On the categorial status of adverbs
  in revision for Languages

On the arguments for analyzing adverbs as PPs
  in press, in Adverbs and Particles at the Form-Meaning Interface
  (eds. M. Coniglio, K. Müller, M. Steinbach; Amsterdam: Benjamins)

(Dis)obeying the Head-Final Filter
  (with Hedde Zeijlstra)
  2021, Proceedings of WCCFL 37

The semantics of habituality as an argument for event-mediated quantification
  2018, Proceedings of SALT28

Quantification in event semantics: Generalized quantifiers vs. sub-events
  2018, Proceedings of SuB22

Non-intersectivity in manner adjectives
  2015, Proceedings of CTF09

English -ly adverbs as PP compounds
  2014, Proceedings of Olinco 2014

Manner modification in event semantics
  2012, Proceedings of IATL 27

English -er nominals: A case of relative clause structure in morphology
  2012, Proceedings of JeNom4

The adjectival suffix -ovat as a degree modifier in Russian
  (with Olga Kagan)
  2011, Proceedings of SuB 15

Definite reference: Salience is only a poor substitute for uniqueness
  (with P. Bosch, K. Brukamp, M. Cieschinger, X. Deng, P. König)
  2011, Proceedings of PRE-CogSci 2011

Degree modification in Russian morphology: The case of the suffix -ovat
  (with Olga Kagan)
  2010, Proceedings of IATL 26


The Syntax and Semantics of Manner Modification: Adjectives and Adverbs
  2015, University of Osnabrück


## not updated anymore ##

(with Antonio Fábregas) A syntactico-semantic analysis of Invariable Adjectives. The 26th Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG26), Cáceres, April 2016.

Quantification in event semantics: QR vs. in-situ interpretation. The 12th Event Semantics Workshop, Stuttgart, November 2015.

Manner adjectives as predicates of events: The source of the modified event (poster). The 20th Sinn und Bedeutung Conference (SuB20), Tübingen, September 2015.

Adjectival manner modification: The source of the modified event. The 41st Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG41), Perugia, February 2015.

Manner adjectives as predicates of events: The source of the modified event. CASTL Colloquium, University of Tromsø, February 2015.

Where does the event in adjectival manner modification come from? The 11th Workshop on Event Semantics and Lexical Semantics, Jena, November 2014.

Adverbs as PPs: The morphosyntax and semantics of manner adverbs. The Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs and Prepositions (WAASAP 2), Tromsø, June 2014.

Adverbs as PPs and the semantics of -ly. The Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 2014), Olomouc, June 2014.

Nominal generics: Past and present. The Third Genericity Conference: From Morphology to Cognition, Paris, December 2011.

A slow typist when tired: On adverbial modifiers of predicative nominals. The 27th Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL 27), Haifa, October 2011.

Rescuing modifier-needy nominals: A contrast-based analysis. The 4th Workshop on Nominalizations (JeNom 4), Stuttgart, June 2011.

(with P. Bosch, K. Brukamp, M. Cieschinger, X. Deng, P. König) Definite reference is not the same as reference to the most salient referent. Experimental Pragmatics Conference (XPRAG 2011), Barcelona, June 2011.

Manner adjectives rescuing modifier-needy nominals: A contrast-based analysis. The Linguistics Colloquium at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, March 2011.

(with P. Bosch, K. Brukamp, M. Cieschinger, X. Deng, P. König) Definite reference is not always based on salience. The 4th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics (QITL 4), HU Berlin, March 2011.

(with Olga Kagan) Degree modification in Russian morphology: The case of the suffix -ovat. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL 26), Bar-Ilan University, October 2010.

(with P. Bosch, K. Brukamp, M. Cieschinger, X. Deng, P. König) Adaptivity in the visual interpretation of definite reference: Can salience substitute for uniqueness? The 10th Biannual Meeting of the German Society for Cognitive Science (KogWis 2010), University of Potsdam, October 2010.

(with Olga Kagan) The adjectival suffix -ovat as a degree modifier in Russian. The 15th Sinn und Bedeutung Conference (SuB 15), Saarbrücken, September 2010.

Dispositional generics as in-virtue-of generalizations (poster). The Second Genericity Conference: Dispositions, Abilities, and States, Paris, June 2010.

What is famous about a famous workaholic: Fact modification in adjectives. Workshop Adjectives and Relative Clauses: Syntax and Semantics, Venice, June 2010.

Restricted predication and event modification in adjectival domain. The Linguistics Departmental Seminar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, November 2009.

Roles and manner modification in adjectives. The Second Conference on Concept Types and Frames, Düsseldorf, August 2009.

Dimensionality in the semantics of adjectives. The Third Scandinavian PhD Conference in Linguistics and Philology, Bergen, June 2009.