Since 2017:
Full Professor (W2) Head of Department Evolutionary Developmental Genetics
Georg August Universität, Göttingen
2013 - 2017:
DFG Heisenberg Professor Head of Department Evolutionary Developmental Genetics
Georg August Universität, Göttingen
Juniorprofessor of Developmental Genetics, Georg August Universität, Göttingen
Junior Group Leader of the Göttingen Center for Molecular Biology (GZMB)
Postdoc in the department of Prof. Ernst Wimmer, Georg August Universität, Göttingen
Free lance scientific journalist (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Deutschlandfunk and others) and child care
1998 - 2002
Ph.D: "The Evolution of Gap Gene Orthologues"
Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Germany
1996 - 1997
Diploma thesis: "Characterization of a Gap Gene Mutant in Tribolium castaneum"
Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Germany
1990 - 1997:
Studies: Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München/Germany and Concepción/Chile: Studies in zoology, genetics, developmental biology, immunology und human physiology
Science service and politics
Since 2020: Member of the steering committee of the SPP 2349 "Genomic Basis of Evolutionary Innovation"
Since 2020: Elected review board member of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Since 2020: Ombudsperson Georg-August-University and German Primate Center (Leibnitz Society)
2016 - 2020: Deputy Ombudsperson at the Georg-August-University
2018 - 2020: Managing director of the Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology
since 2016: Board member of the German Zoological Society (DZG)
2010-2017: Spokesperson of the DFG research unit FOR1234 iBeetle
since 2015: Member of the science policy network of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
DFG Normalverfahren BU 1443/17-1
DFG grant for research infrastructure development (iBeetle-Base)1443/16-1 (together with SUB and Dr. Jürgen Dönitz)
DFG "Großgeräte-Antrag" for purchasing a state of the art LSM
Collaboration with BAYER (continuation of iBeetle screen and RNAi in pest control)
ANR-DFG joint proposal BU 1443/14-1 (partner: Dr. Averof, Lyon)
DFG Normalverfahren BU 1443/11-1
DFG Heisenberg Professorship BU 1443/10-1
Spokesperson of DFG research unit FOR1234 "iBeetle"
Projects within iBeetle:
BU 1443/6 (both funding periods)
BU 1443/7 (both funding periods)
BU 1443/8 (both funding periods)
DFG Normalverfahren BU 1443/5-1
DFG excellence center "Molecular Physiology of the Brain - CMBP"
DFG Normalverfahren BU 1443/3-1
DFG Normalverfahren BU 1443/2-2
1990 - 1996: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
1994 - 1995: IAS-fellowship (DAAD) for studies abroad
2002: Dr. Alexander und Rita Besser-Stiftung for scientific writing
since 2019: Coordination of a proposal for a DFG Research Training Group "GönomiX"
2017/2019: Responsible organizer of SPIRIT Summer School "Molecualar Genetics for Zoologists" (together with Daniel Jackson, Nico Posnien and Ernst Wimmer)
2014: Organization of the iBeetle workshop "How to establish functional genetics in Zoology"
2014: Member of organizing committee of annual DZG (German Zooloical Society) meeting (Göttingen)
2013: Organization of the Symposium "New horizons in molecular Zoology" (Göttingen)
2012: Organization of the international Tribolium meeting (Lisbon, satellite to the EED meeting)
2008/2010: Organization of a symposion on arthropod head development at the EED
since 2007: tutor for the local scholars of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
since 2007: Speaker of study section "development" at the German Zoological Society (DZG)
2006: Involved in the coordination of the annotation of the Tribolium genome.
2006: Teacher for EMBO - Marie Curie RTN ZOONET
Practical Course on "Molecular approaches to Evolution and Development"
2006: Organization of DZG/GfE workshop "Orthologues genes - homologues structures?" in Göttingen
2005: Organization of 2nd international Tribolium meeting in Göttingen