Gerd Lüdemann
Aktuelles zum Reformationsjubiläum 2017:
welt.de: "Und der Logos wurde Fleisch" von Eduard Lohse Gerd Lüdemann und Frank Schleritt haben das Neue
Testament neu übersetzt
Of Immediate Interest:
- He Who Loves God Gerd Lüdemann: Interview Frankfurter Rundschau - July
4, 2016- German version: fr-online (Arno Widmann)
- New Publication: Gerd Lüdemann: The Collection for the Saints as a Polite Bribe: An Effort to Humanize Paul, January 2016
- New Publication: Gerd Lüdemann: Paul - the Promotor of Christianity
- New Publication: Gerd Lüdemann: Christian Beginnings and Gnosticism. Aspects of My Religious Biography
- New Publication: Gerd Lüdemann: Kêrygma and History in the Thought of Rudolf Bultmann. In: FORUM
third series 3,2 fall 2014. This article appears in the current
edition of FORUM. The downloading or printing of the article are not
allowed. I recommend the readers to subscribe to FORUM: http://www.westarinstitute.org/resources/forum/
- New Publication: Gerd Lüdemann. The Earliest Christian Text, Polebridge
Press, November 2013
- Gerd Lüdemann: Historical Issues in Acts 28:21-31, in: Foundations and Facets. Forum 2,2,
Fall 2013. Rethinking the Book of Acts. Clayton Jefford and Nina
Livesey, editors, 253-272.
- 11.05.2013 Gerd Lüdemann: Christian Beginnings
- My Confession: A Letter to Jesus
Barnabas and Paul or Paul and Barnabas? (2012)
The Resurrection of Jesus: Fifteen Years Later (2012)
- WHAT JESUS DIDN'T SAY: An interview with author Gerd Lüdemann
- From Bible and Interpretation:
Gerd Lüdemann: The Death of the Biblical God
Gerd Lüdemann: What Jesus Never Said
Gerd Lüdemann: Seven Golden Rules for Christian Theologians concerning the Old Testament and Its Relationship to the New Testament
- Gerd Lüdemann, in: Toronto Journal of Theology 25/1, 2009, pp.
19-40: The First Three Years of Christianity - PDF
- Gerd Lüdemann, in: Toronto Journal of Theology 24/2, 2008, pp.
171-181: The Relationship of Biblical Studies to the History of
Religions School, with Reference to the Scientific Study of Religion
- New Publication: Gerd Lüdemann: What Jesus Didn't Say, Polebridge
Press 2011
- Gerd Lüdemann, in: Toronto School of Theology 24/1, 2008, pp.
65-79: Acts of Impropriety. The Imbalance of History and Theology in
Luke-Acts - PDF
- Gerd Lüdemann: Gnosticism and the Rise of Early Christianity
- New publication: Gerd Lüdemann, Eyes That See Not: The Pope Looks at Jesus, Polebridge
Press, February 2008.
- An Embarrassing Misrepresentation. Lüdemann: Review of Ratzinger, Jesus of Nazareth, in
Free Inquiry vol. 27, October/November 2007, 63-64.
- What Really Happened? The Rise of Primitive Christianity, 30-70 C.E. by Gerd Lüdemann
- Why the Church Invented Judas's "Betrayal" of Jesus by Gerd Lüdemann
- The Life of Jesus: A Brief Assessment
- Limited Love in Deus Caritas Est in: Free Inquiry Vol. 26/4
(2006), p. 25.
- Gerd Lüdemann: Those in Glass Houses ... - Concerning the Hypocritical Attacks
against Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code
- Gerd Lüdemann: Robert W. Funk and the German Theological Tradition
- The Intolerant Gospel
- Intolerance and the Gospel Selected Texts from the New Testament, Prometheus
Books - November 2006, Book Description
- The Acts of the Apostles: What Really Happened in the Earliest Days of the Church
- The Resurrection of Christ
- Yahoo group Lüdemann Seminar
- Will Secularism Survive?
- The Spirit of Things, Interview with Gerd Lüdemann about "A Letter to Jesus", ABC-Radio
- The Lüdemann case in the renowned journal Religion -

General Information :
- Born 1946
- German, Resident Alien USA
- Professor emeritus of History and Literature of Early Christian
at Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany
- Founder of the Archive "Religionsgeschichtliche Schule", Theological Faculty
- Visiting Scholar, Vanderbilt Divinity School
The Confederation of Protestant Churches in Lower Saxony has
objected to my teaching because in my publications and in my scholarly
work I have engaged in critical discussions of the Protestant
confession and the results of my research are not acceptable to the
Protestant Churches in Lower Saxony and the Administration of the
University of Göttingen. Therefore although I am an accredited New
Testament scholar the President of the University of Göttingen has
forbidden my chair to be designated a Chair of New Testament Studies.
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Copyright © Gerd Lüdemann
Last updated on April 22, 2020