Gerd Lüdemann's Homepage

Zur Person
The moderators of the XTalk Discussion List ( are pleased to
announce that Gerd Lüdemann – Professor of History and
Literature of Early Christian at Georg-August-University Göttingen,
Germany, Director of the Institute of Early Christian Studies,
Theological Faculty Director of the Archive
"Religionsgeschichtliche Schule", Theological Faculty
– has agreed to conduct a three week online Seminar with XTalk
members and other interested parties on the ideas and arguments set
out in his most recent book The Resurrection of Christ: A Historical
Inquiry (Prometheus, 2004)
The Seminar will begin on Sunday, January 2nd, 2005, and run until
Saturday, January 22nd, 2005.
The Seminar's Home page is:
So as to be managed effectively, the Seminar will be conducted on
a subscription only basis.
Questions and comments submitted to the Seminar by approved
Seminar members will be subject to selection by the Seminar's
Posts sent to Professor Lüdemann will be answered by him on a
daily basis.
Topics for discussion are the issues and arguments raised in
Professor Lüdemann's book The Resurrection of Christ. Therefore the
major prerequisite for anyone wishing to participate in the Seminar is
familiarity with the contents and theses of this work (for a prÇcis of
the book, see below).
To apply for membership in the Seminar, send a blank e-mail
message to: Ludemann_Seminar–
PLEASE NOTE that while applications for membership in the Seminar
are being accepted immediately, posts to Professor Lüdemann via the
Seminar ARE NOT.
Nothing should be sent in to the Seminar until the eve of its
opening day, Sunday, January 2nd, 2005.
Questions or comments about the Seminar may be sent to the
following e-mail address: