Class GridBillboarder

  extended by de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
      extended by de.grogra.billboard.GridBillboarder
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class GridBillboarder
extends Billboarder

This Billboarder render the object slice by slice from the back to the front. After that the camera will rotate 90� to the left and render slice by slice again. And so on, until four sides are rendered. From the top of view, it seems like a grid.


Field Summary
 Point3d max
 Point3d min
protected  int steps
Fields inherited from class de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
angleOffset, appendfix, camera, countZero, currentSide, file, imageFolder, imgHeight, imgWidth, mt, MT_EXR, MT_JPG, MT_PJPG, MT_PNG, MT_X_EXR, pathAndFileName, prefix, RotationAngle, rotationPoint, sides, suffix, view3d
Constructor Summary
GridBillboarder( file, MimeType mt)
Method Summary
 void beginAt(int side, int step)
 void billboarding()
          This method rendered each side of an object given in the view.
 void griding(int step)
 void initialize(double distance, double zOfsset, boolean fourSides, int steps)
          Sets the camera on initial position.
 void makeAllNames()
protected  void makeNames(int stopSide, int stopStep)
 void setLayer(int visible, int invisible)
          Defined which layer is for the visible and which for the invisible objects.
protected  void setRunLater()
          When a Billboard-Render-Thread is finished, the implementation of this method will be executed later.
Methods inherited from class de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
angleOffset, beginAt, finalAction, getBBName, getLeadingZeros, graph, initialize, insertName, justRenderView, location, nextSide, nextSide, setDestination, transformation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Point3d max


public Point3d min


protected int steps
Constructor Detail


public GridBillboarder( file,
                       MimeType mt)
Method Detail


public void beginAt(int side,
                    int step)


public void billboarding()
Description copied from class: Billboarder
This method rendered each side of an object given in the view. The number of sides was set by invoke the initialize - method. After a render-step the camera will rotate and it will be start the next render-step.

billboarding in class Billboarder


public void griding(int step)


public void initialize(double distance,
                       double zOfsset,
                       boolean fourSides,
                       int steps)
Sets the camera on initial position. This billboarder creates picture only from two or 4 sides. The parameter steps defined the number of slices has to be create at every side of view. To reach an optimum coverage of all parts of the model only odd numbers of slices will be generated. If an even number is given, this will be reduced by one so the number is odd.

distance - Distance between camera and the origin of the coordinates-system
zOfsset - The z-axis shift of the camera
fourSides - If this is true all 4 sides of the model will be rendered by this. Otherwise only the front and left-side will be rendered.
steps - Odd number of slices for every side of view.


public void makeAllNames()


protected void makeNames(int stopSide,
                         int stopStep)


public void setLayer(int visible,
                     int invisible)
Defined which layer is for the visible and which for the invisible objects. The default-value for visible is 0 and invisible 15.

visible - The Number of the visible layer in the 3D-view
invisible - The Number of the invisible layer in the 3D-view


protected void setRunLater()
Description copied from class: Billboarder
When a Billboard-Render-Thread is finished, the implementation of this method will be executed later.

Specified by:
setRunLater in class Billboarder