Interface Pickable

All Known Implementing Classes:
Arrange, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Frustum, FrustumBase, GRSVertex, Horn, Hydra, LightNode, Line, Mark, MeshNode, NullWithShaderNode, NumericLabel, NURBSSurface, Parallelogram, Patch, PhiBall, Plane, Point, PointCloud, Polygon, SensorNode, Sky, Sphere, Supershape, TextLabel, TextLabelBase, Tree, Vertex

public interface Pickable

Pickable is implemented by shapes which know how to compute intersections of a ray with themselves.

Ole Kniemeyer

Method Summary
 void pick(java.lang.Object object, boolean asNode, Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, Matrix4d transformation, PickList list)
          Computes intersections of a given ray with this shape.

Method Detail


void pick(java.lang.Object object,
          boolean asNode,
          Point3d origin,
          Vector3d direction,
          Matrix4d transformation,
          PickList list)
Computes intersections of a given ray with this shape.

object - the object of which this shape is an attribute
asNode - true iff object is a node
origin - the origin of the ray, in local coordinates
direction - the direction of the ray, in local coordinates
transformation - the transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates
list - the list to which intersections have to be added