Interface Polygonization

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Arrange, GRSMesh, Patch, PolygonMesh, PolygonsBase

public interface Polygonization

This interface represents an algorithm which decomposes a data source returned by Polygonizable.getPolygonizableSource(GraphState) into a polygon mesh representation.

Ole Kniemeyer

Field Summary
          Bit mask for polygonize indicating that normal vectors have to be computed.
static int COMPUTE_UV
          Bit mask for polygonize indicating that uv coordinates have to be computed.
Method Summary
 void polygonize(ContextDependent source, GraphState gs, PolygonArray out, int flags, float flatness)
          Performs the polygonization of the source into polygons.

Field Detail


static final int COMPUTE_NORMALS
Bit mask for polygonize indicating that normal vectors have to be computed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int COMPUTE_UV
Bit mask for polygonize indicating that uv coordinates have to be computed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void polygonize(ContextDependent source,
                GraphState gs,
                PolygonArray out,
                int flags,
                float flatness)
Performs the polygonization of the source into polygons. The field out.userObject is not modified.

source - the data source as reported by a previous invocation of Polygonizable.getPolygonizableSource(GraphState) with the same gs
gs - the current graph state
out - the polygons are written to out
flags - combination of bit masks
flatness - a parameter for the degree of flatness, a typical value is 1