Interface Described

All Known Subinterfaces:
GraphSelection, KeyDescription, Selection
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdditionalNodeFieldsEditor, And, Application, Argument, Array, Attribute, AttributeItem, Block, BooleanAttribute, BooleanEditor, BooleanTreeAttribute, ButtonEditor, ByteAttribute, ByteTreeAttribute, CharAttribute, CharTreeAttribute, CheckBoxItem, ChoiceGroup, CommandItem, CompositeEditor, ConfigureInstance, CreateMap, DensityTreeAttribute, DescribedLevel, Directory, DoubleAttribute, DoubleTreeAttribute, DTDSourceFile, Edit, EnumerationEditor, EnumValueImpl, Executable, Exists, ExplorerFactory, Expression, ExtensionItem, FieldSelection, FileFactory, FileObjectItem, FileTypeItem, FilterItem, First, FloatAttribute, FloatConst, FloatingWindow, FloatTreeAttribute, ForAll, GlobalTransformation, GraphSelectionImpl, Group, HeightTreeAttribute, Hook, IdTreeAttribute, InitializeClass, Insert, InstanceOf, IntAttribute, IntConst, IntEnumerationAttribute, IntTreeAttribute, Item, ItemFactory, KeyDescriptionImpl, Layout, LazyObjectItem, Library, Link, LocationParameterTreeAttribute, LongAttribute, LongTreeAttribute, MainWindow, MapSource, Matrix3dAttribute, Matrix3fAttribute, Matrix4dAttribute, Matrix4fAttribute, MethodEditor, MimeTypeItem, MTGSourceFile, NodeReference, NodeSelection, Not, NullConst, NumberEditor, NumberTreeAttribute, NumericEditor, ObjectAttribute, ObjectExpr, ObjectItem, ObjectItemFactory, ObjectSelection, ObjectTreeAttribute, Option, OptionExplorerFactory, OptionGroup, OptionsSelection, Or, PanelFactory, ParentAttribute, PluginDescriptor, PluginPrerequisite, Point2dAttribute, Point2fAttribute, Point3dAttribute, Point3fAttribute, PointConst, PolyEditor, Prerequisite, PropertyEditor, Resource, ResourceDirectory, Root, SelectableItem, SelectionBase, Separator, SetVar, SharedValue, ShortAttribute, ShortTreeAttribute, SONodeReference, SourceFile, SpecialEdgeDescriptor, Split, StringAttribute, StringConst, StringEditor, Tab, ToolBarFactory, ToolFactory, TreeValuesTreeAttribute, Tuple2dAttribute, Tuple2fAttribute, Tuple3dAttribute, Tuple3fAttribute, Tuple4dAttribute, Tuple4fAttribute, TurtleStateAttribute, TypeItem, UIPropertyDependency, UserFieldsEditor, Value, Var, Vars, Vector2dAttribute, Vector2fAttribute, Vector3dAttribute, Vector3fAttribute, ViewComponentFactory, Void, VoidAttribute, VolumeAttribute, XSLTFilterItem

public interface Described

An instance of Described provides descriptions for an object. The descriptions are obtained by the method getDescription(String). Which particular description is returned depends on the argument type: It is one of the string constants defined in this interface.

Ole Kniemeyer

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ACCELERATOR_KEY
          Constant for getDescription(String) specifying an accelerator key to be used as the accelerator for the object.
static java.lang.String ICON
          Constant for getDescription(String) specifying an icon.
static java.lang.String MNEMONIC_KEY
          Constant for getDescription(String) specifying a key code to be used as the mnemonic for the object.
static java.lang.String NAME
          Constant for getDescription(String) specifying the name.
static java.lang.String SHORT_DESCRIPTION
          Constant for getDescription(String) specifying a short description.
static java.lang.String TITLE
          Constant for getDescription(String) specifying a title.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getDescription(java.lang.String type)
          Returns the description associated with the given type.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String ACCELERATOR_KEY
Constant for getDescription(String) specifying an accelerator key to be used as the accelerator for the object. The returned value has to be an instance of KeyStroke or a String which can be converted to a KeyStroke by KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(String).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String ICON
Constant for getDescription(String) specifying an icon. The returned value has to be an instance of IconSource.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String MNEMONIC_KEY
Constant for getDescription(String) specifying a key code to be used as the mnemonic for the object. The returned value has to be an instance of Number or Character.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String NAME
Constant for getDescription(String) specifying the name. The returned value has to be a String, it is used, among others, for menus and buttons.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SHORT_DESCRIPTION
Constant for getDescription(String) specifying a short description. The returned value has to be a String, it is used, among others, for tooltip text.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String TITLE
Constant for getDescription(String) specifying a title. The returned value has to be a String, it is used for titles.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.Object getDescription(java.lang.String type)
Returns the description associated with the given type. type has to be one of the predefined constants of this interface, the returned value has to conform to the specification of the used constant.

type - the type of description
the description, or null if no description is available