Class GMatrix

  extended by javax.vecmath.GMatrix
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GMatrix
extends java.lang.Object

A double precision, general, real, and dynamically resizeable two dimensional N x M matrix class. Row and column numbering begins with zero. The representation is row major.

Kenji hiranabe RH20120221 fixed bug in setSize(int, int)
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
GMatrix(GMatrix matrix)
          Constructs a new GMatrix and copies the initial values from the parameter matrix.
GMatrix(int nRow, int nCol)
          Constructs an nRow by nCol identity matrix.
GMatrix(int nRow, int nCol, double[] matrix)
          Constructs an nRow by nCol matrix initialized to the values in the matrix array.
Method Summary
 void add(GMatrix m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
 void add(GMatrix m1, GMatrix m2)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
 void copySubMatrix(int rowSource, int colSource, int numRow, int numCol, int rowDest, int colDest, GMatrix target)
          Copies a sub-matrix derived from this matrix into the target matrix.
 boolean epsilonEquals(GMatrix m1, double epsilon)
          Returns true if the L-infinite distance between this matrix and matrix m1 is less than or equal to the epsilon parameter, otherwise returns false.
 boolean equals(GMatrix m1)
          Returns true if all of the data members of Matrix4d m1 are equal to the corresponding data members in this Matrix4d.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o1)
          Returns true if the Object o1 is of type GMatrix and all of the data members of t1 are equal to the corresponding data members in this GMatrix.
 void get(GMatrix m1)
          Places the values in the this matrix into the matrix m1; m1 should be at least as large as this GMatrix.
 void get(Matrix3d m1)
          Places the values in the upper 3X3 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
 void get(Matrix3f m1)
          Places the values in the upper 3X3 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
 void get(Matrix4d m1)
          Places the values in the upper 4X4 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
 void get(Matrix4f m1)
          Places the values in the upper 4X4 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
 void getColumn(int col, double[] array)
          Places the values of the specified column into the array parameter.
 void getColumn(int col, GVector vector)
          Places the values of the specified column into the vector parameter.
 double getElement(int row, int column)
          Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
 int getNumCol()
          Returns the number of colmuns in this matrix.
 int getNumRow()
          Returns the number of rows in this matrix.
 void getRow(int row, double[] array)
          Places the values of the specified row into the array parameter.
 void getRow(int row, GVector vector)
          Places the values of the specified row into the vector parameter.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash number based on the data values in this object.
 void identityMinus()
          Subtracts this matrix from the identity matrix and puts the values back into this (this = I - this).
 void invert()
          Inverts this matrix in place.
 void invert(GMatrix m1)
          Inverts matrix m1 and places the new values into this matrix.
 int LUD(GMatrix LU, GVector permutation)
          LU Decomposition; this matrix must be a square matrix; the LU GMatrix parameter must be the same size as this matrix.
 void mul(GMatrix m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the result of multiplying itself with matrix m1 (this = this * m1).
 void mul(GMatrix m1, GMatrix m2)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the result of multiplying the two argument matrices together (this = m1 * m2).
 void mul(GVector v1, GVector v2)
          Computes the outer product of the two vectors; multiplies the the first vector by the transpose of the second vector and places the matrix result into this matrix.
 void mulTransposeBoth(GMatrix m1, GMatrix m2)
          Multiplies the transpose of matrix m1 times the transpose of matrix m2, and places the result into this.
 void mulTransposeLeft(GMatrix m1, GMatrix m2)
          Multiplies the transpose of matrix m1 times the matrix m2, and places the result into this.
 void mulTransposeRight(GMatrix m1, GMatrix m2)
          Multiplies matrix m1 times the transpose of matrix m2, and places the result into this.
 void negate()
          Negates the value of this matrix: this = -this.
 void negate(GMatrix m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the negation of the GMatrix parameter.
 void set(double[] matrix)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the values found in the array parameter.
 void set(GMatrix m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the values found in matrix m1.
 void set(Matrix3d m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix3d provided.
 void set(Matrix3f m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix3f provided.
 void set(Matrix4d m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix4d provided.
 void set(Matrix4f m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix4f provided.
 void setColumn(int col, double[] array)
          Copy the values from the array into the specified column of this matrix.
 void setColumn(int col, GVector vector)
          Copy the values from the array into the specified column of this matrix.
 void setElement(int row, int column, double value)
          Modifies the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
 void setIdentity()
          Sets this GMatrix to the identity matrix.
 void setRow(int row, double[] array)
          Copy the values from the array into the specified row of this matrix.
 void setRow(int row, GVector vector)
          Copy the values from the array into the specified row of this matrix.
 void setScale(double scale)
          Sets this matrix to a uniform scale matrix; all of the values are reset.
 void setSize(int nRow, int nCol)
          Changes the size of this matrix dynamically.
 void setZero()
          Sets all the values in this matrix to zero.
 void sub(GMatrix m1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of itself and matrix m1 (this = this - m1).
 void sub(GMatrix m1, GMatrix m2)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of matrices m1 and m2 (this = m1 - m2).
 int SVD(GMatrix u, GMatrix w, GMatrix v)
          Finds the singular value decomposition (SVD) of this matrix such that this = U*W*transpose(V); and returns the rank of this matrix; the values of U,W,V are all overwritten.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string that contains the values of this GMatrix.
 double trace()
          Returns the trace of this matrix.
 void transpose()
          Transposes this matrix in place.
 void transpose(GMatrix m1)
          Places the matrix values of the transpose of matrix m1 into this matrix.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GMatrix(GMatrix matrix)
Constructs a new GMatrix and copies the initial values from the parameter matrix.

matrix - the source of the initial values of the new GMatrix


public GMatrix(int nRow,
               int nCol)
Constructs an nRow by nCol identity matrix. Note that even though row and column numbering begins with zero, nRow and nCol will be one larger than the maximum possible matrix index values.

nRow - number of rows in this matrix.
nCol - number of columns in this matrix.


public GMatrix(int nRow,
               int nCol,
               double[] matrix)
Constructs an nRow by nCol matrix initialized to the values in the matrix array. The array values are copied in one row at a time in row major fashion. The array should be at least nRow*nCol in length. Note that even though row and column numbering begins with zero, nRow and nCol will be one larger than the maximum possible matrix index values.

nRow - number of rows in this matrix.
nCol - number of columns in this matrix.
matrix - a 1D array that specifies a matrix in row major fashion
Method Detail


public final void add(GMatrix m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.

m1 - the other matrix


public final void add(GMatrix m1,
                      GMatrix m2)
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.

m1 - the first matrix
m2 - the second matrix


public final void copySubMatrix(int rowSource,
                                int colSource,
                                int numRow,
                                int numCol,
                                int rowDest,
                                int colDest,
                                GMatrix target)
Copies a sub-matrix derived from this matrix into the target matrix. The upper left of the sub-matrix is located at (rowSource, colSource); the lower right of the sub-matrix is located at (lastRowSource,lastColSource). The sub-matrix is copied into the the target matrix starting at (rowDest, colDest).

rowSource - the top-most row of the sub-matrix
colSource - the left-most column of the sub-matrix
numRow - the number of rows in the sub-matrix
numCol - the number of columns in the sub-matrix
rowDest - the top-most row of the position of the copied sub-matrix within the target matrix
colDest - the left-most column of the position of the copied sub-matrix within the target matrix
target - the matrix into which the sub-matrix will be copied


public boolean epsilonEquals(GMatrix m1,
                             double epsilon)
Returns true if the L-infinite distance between this matrix and matrix m1 is less than or equal to the epsilon parameter, otherwise returns false. The L-infinite distance is equal to MAX[i=0,1,2, . . .n ; j=0,1,2, . . .n ; abs(this.m(i,j) - m1.m(i,j)] .

m1 - The matrix to be compared to this matrix
epsilon - the threshold value


public boolean equals(GMatrix m1)
Returns true if all of the data members of Matrix4d m1 are equal to the corresponding data members in this Matrix4d.

m1 - The matrix with which the comparison is made.
true or false


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o1)
Returns true if the Object o1 is of type GMatrix and all of the data members of t1 are equal to the corresponding data members in this GMatrix.

equals in class java.lang.Object
o1 - the object with which the comparison is made.


public final void get(GMatrix m1)
Places the values in the this matrix into the matrix m1; m1 should be at least as large as this GMatrix.

m1 - The matrix that will hold the new values


public final void get(Matrix3d m1)
Places the values in the upper 3X3 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.

m1 - The matrix that will hold the new values


public final void get(Matrix3f m1)
Places the values in the upper 3X3 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.

m1 - The matrix that will hold the new values


public final void get(Matrix4d m1)
Places the values in the upper 4X4 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.

m1 - The matrix that will hold the new values


public final void get(Matrix4f m1)
Places the values in the upper 4X4 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.

m1 - The matrix that will hold the new values


public final void getColumn(int col,
                            double[] array)
Places the values of the specified column into the array parameter.

col - the target column number
array - the array into which the column values will be placed


public final void getColumn(int col,
                            GVector vector)
Places the values of the specified column into the vector parameter.

col - the target column number
vector - the vector into which the column values will be placed


public final double getElement(int row,
                               int column)
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.

row - the row number to be retrieved (zero indexed)
column - the column number to be retrieved (zero indexed)
the value at the indexed element


public final int getNumCol()
Returns the number of colmuns in this matrix.

number of columns in this matrix


public final int getNumRow()
Returns the number of rows in this matrix.

number of rows in this matrix


public final void getRow(int row,
                         double[] array)
Places the values of the specified row into the array parameter.

row - the target row number
array - the array into which the row values will be placed


public final void getRow(int row,
                         GVector vector)
Places the values of the specified row into the vector parameter.

row - the target row number
vector - the vector into which the row values will be placed


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash number based on the data values in this object. Two different GMatrix objects with identical data values (ie, returns true for equals(GMatrix) ) will return the same hash number. Two objects with different data members may return the same hash value, although this is not likely.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object
the integer hash value


public final void identityMinus()
Subtracts this matrix from the identity matrix and puts the values back into this (this = I - this).


public final void invert()
Inverts this matrix in place.


public final void invert(GMatrix m1)
Inverts matrix m1 and places the new values into this matrix. Matrix m1 is not modified.

m1 - the matrix to be inverted


public final int LUD(GMatrix LU,
                     GVector permutation)
LU Decomposition; this matrix must be a square matrix; the LU GMatrix parameter must be the same size as this matrix. The matrix LU will be overwritten as the combination of a lower diagonal and upper diagonal matrix decompostion of this matrix; the diagonal elements of L (unity) are not stored. The GVector parameter records the row permutation effected by the partial pivoting, and is used as a parameter to the GVector method LUDBackSolve to solve sets of linear equations. This method returns +/- 1 depending on whether the number of row interchanges was even or odd, respectively.

permutation - The row permutation effected by the partial pivoting
+-1 depending on whether the number of row interchanges was even or odd respectively


public final void mul(GMatrix m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to the result of multiplying itself with matrix m1 (this = this * m1).

m1 - the other matrix


public final void mul(GMatrix m1,
                      GMatrix m2)
Sets the value of this matrix to the result of multiplying the two argument matrices together (this = m1 * m2).

m1 - the first matrix
m2 - the second matrix


public final void mul(GVector v1,
                      GVector v2)
Computes the outer product of the two vectors; multiplies the the first vector by the transpose of the second vector and places the matrix result into this matrix. This matrix must be as big or bigger than getSize(v1)xgetSize(v2).

v1 - the first vector, treated as a row vector
v2 - the second vector, treated as a column vector


public final void mulTransposeBoth(GMatrix m1,
                                   GMatrix m2)
Multiplies the transpose of matrix m1 times the transpose of matrix m2, and places the result into this.

m1 - The matrix on the left hand side of the multiplication
m2 - The matrix on the right hand side of the multiplication


public final void mulTransposeLeft(GMatrix m1,
                                   GMatrix m2)
Multiplies the transpose of matrix m1 times the matrix m2, and places the result into this.

m1 - The matrix on the left hand side of the multiplication
m2 - The matrix on the right hand side of the multiplication


public final void mulTransposeRight(GMatrix m1,
                                    GMatrix m2)
Multiplies matrix m1 times the transpose of matrix m2, and places the result into this.


public final void negate()
Negates the value of this matrix: this = -this.


public final void negate(GMatrix m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to the negation of the GMatrix parameter.

m1 - The source matrix


public final void set(double[] matrix)
Sets the value of this matrix to the values found in the array parameter. The values are copied in one row at a time, in row major fashion. The array should be at least equal in length to the number of matrix rows times the number of matrix columns in this matrix.

matrix - the row major source array


public final void set(GMatrix m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to the values found in matrix m1.

m1 - the source matrix


public final void set(Matrix3d m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix3d provided.

m1 - the source matrix


public final void set(Matrix3f m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix3f provided.

m1 - the source matrix


public final void set(Matrix4d m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix4d provided.

m1 - the source matrix


public final void set(Matrix4f m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix4f provided.

m1 - the source matrix


public final void setColumn(int col,
                            double[] array)
Copy the values from the array into the specified column of this matrix.

row - the column of this matrix into which the array values will be copied.
array - the source array


public final void setColumn(int col,
                            GVector vector)
Copy the values from the array into the specified column of this matrix.

row - the column of this matrix into which the vector values will be copied.
vector - the source vector


public final void setElement(int row,
                             int column,
                             double value)
Modifies the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.

row - the row number to be modified (zero indexed)
column - the column number to be modified (zero indexed)
value - the new matrix element value


public final void setIdentity()
Sets this GMatrix to the identity matrix.


public final void setRow(int row,
                         double[] array)
Copy the values from the array into the specified row of this matrix.

row - the row of this matrix into which the array values will be copied.
array - the source array


public final void setRow(int row,
                         GVector vector)
Copy the values from the array into the specified row of this matrix.

row - the row of this matrix into which the vector values will be copied.
vector - the source vector


public final void setScale(double scale)
Sets this matrix to a uniform scale matrix; all of the values are reset.

scale - The new scale value


public final void setSize(int nRow,
                          int nCol)
Changes the size of this matrix dynamically. If the size is increased no data values will be lost. If the size is decreased, only those data values whose matrix positions were eliminated will be lost.

nRow - number of desired rows in this matrix
nCol - number of desired columns in this matrix


public final void setZero()
Sets all the values in this matrix to zero.


public final void sub(GMatrix m1)
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of itself and matrix m1 (this = this - m1).

m1 - the other matrix


public final void sub(GMatrix m1,
                      GMatrix m2)
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of matrices m1 and m2 (this = m1 - m2).

m1 - the first matrix
m2 - the second matrix


public final int SVD(GMatrix u,
                     GMatrix w,
                     GMatrix v)
Finds the singular value decomposition (SVD) of this matrix such that this = U*W*transpose(V); and returns the rank of this matrix; the values of U,W,V are all overwritten. Note that the matrix V is output as V, and not transpose(V). If this matrix is mxn, then U is mxm, W is a diagonal matrix that is mxn, and V is nxn. Using the notation W = diag(w), then the inverse of this matrix is: inverse(this) = V*diag(1/w)*tranpose(U), where diag(1/w) is the same matrix as W except that the reciprocal of each of the diagonal components is used.

U - The computed U matrix in the equation this = U*W*transpose(V)
W - The computed W matrix in the equation this = U*W*transpose(V)
V - The computed V matrix in the equation this = U*W*transpose(V)
The rank of this matrix.


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string that contains the values of this GMatrix.

toString in class java.lang.Object
the String representation


public final double trace()
Returns the trace of this matrix.

the trace of this matrix.


public final void transpose()
Transposes this matrix in place.


public final void transpose(GMatrix m1)
Places the matrix values of the transpose of matrix m1 into this matrix.

m1 - the matrix to be transposed (but not modified)