Run GroIMP headless
DOWNLOAD: renderHeadlessDemo.gsz DATE: 19.06.2009 AUTHOR: M. Henke DESCRIPTION: Demonstrates how to run GroIMP headless (without a GUI) and how the internal model can be automatically run several steps. Furthermore at each step the actual scene will be rendered form two viewing directions and the result images will be saved. The command line to run GroIMP headless is: java -cp BASE/XL-Core/build:BASE/Utilities/build:BASE/Graph/build:BASE/Platform-Core/build -Xmx1000m -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=USERDIR --project-tree --headless --debug=INFO MODEL.gsz 2> ~/render_out.txt where you have to insert for BASE ... the GroIMP pathUSERDIR ... your root directory MODEL ... the name of the model you want to start HOW IT WORKS: To run GroIMP headless you have to insert two methods. The startup()-method, which is run automatically when a GroIMP-model runs and the run(Object info)-method, which is our "new" run-method. The run(Object info)-method mainly just calls another method where the real work will be done. In this other method we have got a loop where we derive one step and call the render-method for several times. The renderImages()-method finally calls twice the renderer from two different viewing directions and saves each result image as exr-file. To insert a additional cameras open the Camera panel by Panels -> Explorers -> 3D -> Cameras and add a new camera by choosing Object -> new. The new camera can be afterwards used and identified by his name. |