News and Highlights
- Juni 2023: Congratulations to Nick Scholand! Together with collaborators from Sheffield University, his submission won the first price of the ISMRM Challenge 2022-2023!
- Mai 2023: Congratulations to Philip Schaten! His abstract about Interactive Real-Time MRI with BART
received an ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Award!
- April 2023: Nick Scholand's paper about Quantitative MRI by nonlinear inversion of the Bloch equations is published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine!
- March 2023: Guanxiong Luo's paper about Bayesian MRI reconstruction with joint uncertainty estimation using diffusion models is published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine!
- February 2023: Moritz Blumenthal's paper is one of the editor's picks for the February issue!
- December 2022: Zhengguo Tan's work about free-breathing liver fat and R2* mapping got published in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging!
- November 2022: Xiaoqing Wang's work about free-breathing myocardial T1 mapping got published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine!
- October 2022: Moritz Blumenthal's work about machine learning in BART got published in Magnetic Resonance in Medcine and Dandan Ma's work about in silicio modeling of stent implantation in aortic coarcation got publshied in Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics!
- September 2022: A new version of our BART toolbox for computational MRI was released!
- August 2022: Martin Uecker gave a talk at the ISMRM Workshop on Motion Correction & Correction in Oxford.
- June 2022: Workshop on Data-Driven Methods in Clinical MRI
- Mai 2022: Congratulations to Moritz Blumenthal! His abstract NLINV-Net: Self-Supervised End-2-End Learning for Reconstructing Undersampled Radial Cardiac Real-Time Data received an ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Award!
- March 2022: BART Webinar VI about deep learning image reconstruction!
- Februar 2022: 10 abstracts of our group got accepted to the ISMRM 2022 in London!
- Januar 2022: Martin Uecker becomes an associated editor for SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences!
- November 2021: Philip Schaten's master thesis in physics was accepted!
- October 2021: Martin Uecker moves to TU Graz as head of the Institute of Biomedical Imaging!
- September 2021: MRI Course (in German): Kardiovaskuläre MRT bei angeborenen Herzfehlern [PDF]
- August 2021: The results of a study using exercise-stress real-time CMR in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot led by Michael Steinmetz got published in Circulation Imaging. publication
- Juli 2021: BART Webinar IV
- Mai 2021: Ansgar Adler's master thesis in physics was accepted.
- April 2021: Zhengguo Tan's contribution and Sebastian Rosenzweig's contribution to the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine have received magna cum laude awards! Congratulations!
- March 2021: BART Webinar III
- February 2021: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI) recognizes Martin Uecker as Distinguished Reviewer (Silver Level).

- January 2021: The results of the HFpEF stress trial led by Andreas Schuster published in Circulation: press release publication This paper was also selected as the DZHK Paper of the Month, January 2021 and got the Gö-VIP-24 Clinical Science Award of the Faculty of Medicine in Göttingen.
- December 2020: BART Webinar II
- November 2020: DFG approves funding of the
Collaborative Research Center 1456 "Mathematics of Experiment".
We participate with two projects: B03 - Low-rank and sparsity-based models in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(jointly with Gerlind Plonka-Hoch)
and INF - Infrastructure for exchange of research data and software
(with Christoph Lehrenfeld)
- September 2020: Martin Uecker invited onto the Editorial Board of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (starting 2021)
- June 2020: Sebastian Rosenzweig successfully defended his PhD thesis!
- June 2020: Webinars for our BART toolbox: BART Webinars. About 260 participants from 19 countries!

- November 2019: The NIH approves funding for further improvement of our BART toolbox for computational MRI which is developed together with the group of Prof. Michael Lustig at UC Berkeley.
- October 2019: Dr. Tan and Dr. Uecker have received funding from the DFG for the project "Quantitative T2∗ Relaxation and Field Inhomogeneity Mapping Using Multi-Echo Radial FLASH Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Model-based Iterative Reconstruction"
- October 2019: MRI Course (in German): Kardiovaskuläre MRT bei angeborenen Herzfehlern [PDF]
- September 2019: Christian Holme successfully defended his PhD thesis!
- Juli 2019: According to google scholar metrics 2019,
our publication about the ESPIRiT method - which has been widely adopted by the MRI community - is
the second most-cited paper of all articles published from 2014 to 2018 in
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
With 391 citations it is also among the 30 most-cited articles from all journals in the category
Radiology & Medical Imaging published
in the last five years!
- June 2019: Lennart Schlieder completed his master thesis project in physics!
- June 2019: Our big data project gets about 1M Euro funding! See here
- April 2019: Zhengguo Tan's contribution to the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine has received a summa cum laude award and Sebastian Rosenzweig's contribution and Xiaoqing Wang's contribution each received a magna cum laude award. Congratulations to Zhengguo, Sebastian, and Xiaoqing!

- March 2019: Nick Scholand completed his master thesis project in physics!
- March 2019: We welcome Zhengguo Tan as a new postdoc in our group!
- November 2018: Rabea Pons successfully finished here master thesis project! (with Prof. Wolfgang Müller, HAWK)
- November 2018: Radiography Certification and Training: Cardiovascular Imaging (organized by Christian Ritter and Tanja Otto), program (German)
- September 2018: The application for the Multiscale Bioimaging cluster of excellence was successful!
- June 2018: Congratulations, Sebastian Rosenzweig! His abstract for the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB has received a summa cum laude award (top 5%).

- June 2018: Jens Frahm of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Biophysical Chemistry receives European Inventor Award for fast MRI - highlighting the invention of FLASH in 1986 and our joint work on real-time MRI from 2010! More.
- March 2018: Congratulations to Tanja Otto! She has received a certificate as a radiological technician for cardiovascular imaging from the Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft.
- January 2018: Sebastian Rosenzweig has received the Gö-VIP-16 Clinical Science Award of the Faculty of Medicine in Göttingen for the manuscript "Simultaneous Multi-Slice Reconstruction Using Regularized Nonlinear Inversion: SMS-NLINV" published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Congratulations!
- November 2017: We welcome Xiaoqing Wang as a new postdoc in our group.
- July 2017: Workshop in Göttingen: ESMRMB Lectures on MR - Parallel imaging: Basic and advanced reconstruction concepts
- June 2017: We have received funding from the DFG for the project "Ultrafast and robust 4D-magnetic resonance imaging for cardiovascular applications"
- April 2017: A publication of Martin Uecker, Peng Lai (GE Healthcare), Michael Lustig (UC Berkeley) and colleagues has been honored at the annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine as the best-cited paper of the year 2014 of the journal Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - the leading journal in MR methodology. The title of this work is "ESPIRiT - An Eigenvalue Approach to Autocalibrating Parallel MRI: Where SENSE meets GRAPPA". More.
- December 2016: Sebastian Rosenzweig's thesis "Simultaneous multi-slice reconstruction by Regularized Nonlinear Inversion" was accepted as master thesis in physics.