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Aculepeira ceropegia
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Aranea ceropegia Walckenaer, 1802
Araneus ceropegia Walckenaer, 1802 (lapsus)
Epeira ceropegia (Walckenaer, 1802)
Aculepeira ceropegia (Walckenaer, 1802)
Miranda ceropegia (Walckenaer, 1802)
Araneus ceropegius (Walckenaer, 1802)
Epeira carbonaria fulva Franganillo, 1913 (nomen dubium and unclear synonym; see note)
Aculepeira carbonaria fulva (Franganillo, 1913)
Araneus vachoni Karol, 1964
Epeira sclopetaria auct. nec Clerck, 1757 (misidentification)
Aculepeira aculeata auct. nec Fabricius, 1775, nec Emerton, 1877 (misidentification)

Note: the taxon Epeira carbonaria fulva Franganillo, 1913 is a nomen dubium; however Breitling et al. 2016 suggest that the name may refer to Aculepeira ceropegia or Aculepeira armida.

Other German names are: Eichblatt-Radspinne, Eichblattradspinne, Eichenblattspinne

A large species, females usually larger than 10 mm, large specimens up to 15 mm; males smaller, usually 7-8 mm.

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Date and location not recorded. Image by Matthias Pechmann, used with permission.

Specimen photographed in Blasiwald (Baden-Württemberg) on August 12, 2014.

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This page has been updated on October 13, 2014
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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