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Quamtana sp. A

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This species has not been formally described yet (see below); therefore no subordinate taxa can be described and named yet.

This species has been discovered by Huber et al. 2015, but unfortunately has not been formally described and named. The authors argue that the species should not be formally described until its geographic origins are known; this is unfortunate, because the species probably traces from somewhere on the African continent and until it can be "re-discovered" it will likely remain without a name for a very long time.

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The species has been discovered in greenhouses in Witzenhausen (Hessen) and Jena (Thüringen). Because the genus Quamtana is otherwise only known from Africa, the species very likely has been introduced to Germany from Africa together with imported tropical plants. At least the Witzenhausen population is fully established and numerous females with egg-sacs, and juvenile specimens were observed (Huber et al. 2015). The species appears to require constantly high temperatures, because the temperature in the greenhouses is permanently above 22°C (Huber et al. 2015); a further spreading to other suitable habitats in Germany (greenhouses, permanently heated buildings) is therefore not likely, but during the summer, a spreading and establishment of new populations might nevertheless be possible.

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