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the taxon tristis has also been considered as a senior synonym of
Arhopalus ferus (and these authors then use the name Arhopalus tristis
instead of Arhopalus ferus as the valid name). However, currently the
taxon tristis is considered to be a junior synonym of Arhopalus rusticus and I therefore list it in the synonymy of that species.
in body size; ranging between 9 and 27 mm. The color of the elytra
varies between chestnut brown, dark brown and black. The pronotum has
two round depressions, and in addition often a median furrow is also
present. The present species is very similar to Arhopalus rusticus, but
can be identified via eye morphology and tarsal morphology. The eyes are
equipped with tiny hairs between the ommatidia in Arhopalus rusticus,
whereas the eyes in Arhopalus ferus are naked, but this is only visible
with higher magnification. The third segment of the hind tarsi is
divided into two lobes in both species, but in Arhopalus rusticus, the
lobes are separate almost down to the root of the segment, whereas the
lobes are more fused in Arhopalus ferus. This character can be checked
more easily with lower magnification. For jizz identification, Arhopalus
ferus is the darker species and is never light brown: light brown
specimens are thus quite certainly Arhopalus rusticus; darker specimens
however have to be carefully checked for their identity.

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