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Synonyme und andere Namen:
(1) Agromyza monfalconensis Strobl, 1909
Amauromyza monfalconensis (Strobl, 1909)
Die Art kommt in Europa und Westasien vor (Cerny et al.
Quellen und Einzelnachweise
Benavent-Corai J, Martinez M, Jimenez Peydro
R. 2005. Catalogue of the hosts-plants of the world
Agromyzidae (Diptera). Bolletino di Zoologia Agraria e di
Bachicoltura. Serie II. 37 (Supplementum), 1-97.
Cerny M, Von Tschirnhaus M, Winqvist K. 2020. First records of
Palaearctic Agromyzidae (Diptera) from 40 countries and major
islands. Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales 69, 193-229.
(Online: 2020, Druckfassung: 2021).
Papp L. 1984. Family Agromyzidae. In: Soos A, Papp L (Hrsg).
Catalogue of the Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 9. Elsevier,
Amsterdam, Oxford, New York, Tokyo. Pp 263-343.
Papp L, Cerny M. 2016. Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary.
Volume 2. Phytomyzinae I. Pars Ltd, Nagykovacsi.