(1) Thyridanthrax perspicillaris perspicillaris (Loew, 1869)
(2) Thyridanthrax perspicillaris idolus (Hesse, 1956)
Only the nominate subspecies has been listed for Germany, but its occurence in Germany is unclear (see also below).
Synonymy of Thyridanthrax perspicillaris perspicillaris:
Anthrax perspicillaris Loew, 1869
Thyridanthrax perspicillaris (Loew, 1869)
Thyridanthrax perspicillaris perspicillaris (Loew, 1869)
Anthrax gallus Loew, 1869
Thyridanthrax ternarius Bezzi, 1920
Thyridanthrax ternarius Bezzi, 1921 (nec Bezzi, 1920)
Anthrax pyrroproctus Bigot (in Bezzi), 1921 (unavailable name)
Thyridanthrax ternarius Bezzi, 1924 (nec Bezzi, 1920 neque Bezzi, 1921)
Note: Anthrax hispanus Loew, 1869 has been synonymised with the present species by Evenhuis and Greathead (1999), but has been reinstated as a separate species, Thyridanthrax hispanus, by Evenhuis and Greathead (2003).
No information has been entered yet.
occurrence of this species in Germany is unclear. It is listed in the World Catalog (Evenhuis and Greathead 1999), but this is retracted in the revised version of the catalog (Evenhuis and Greathead 2003). However, neither the original record for Germany, nor its retraction is explained.
No information has been entered yet.