Anthrax fasciatus Meigen, 1804 (p. 200)
Anthrax fasciata Meigen, 1804 (lapsus)
Villa fasciata (Meigen, 1804)
Type locality: "bei Marseille" (France).
Anthrax circumdata Meigen, 1820 (p. 143)
Type locality: this is a replacement name for a misidentified Musca hottentotta (see note below); type
locality given in Meigen (1820): "Ueberall in Europa auch in
Taurien entdeckte sie Pallas" (= Europe and Crimean peninsula).
Anthrax venusta Meigen, 1820 (p. 145)
Type locality: "Ein einziges Männchen [...] dessen Vaterland mir
unbekannt, wahrscheinlich aber das südliche Frankreich ist" (transl. " a
single male, the origin of which is unknown to me, but is probably from
southern France").
Anthrax margaritifer Dufour, 1833
Anthrax stoechades Jaennicke, 1867
Anthrax dolosa Jaennicke, 1867
Anthrax turbidus Loew, 1869
Anthrax circumdata alisprorsushyalinus Strobl (in Czerny et Strobl), 1909
Anthrax circumdata fulvimaculatus Santos Abreu, 1926
Villa circumdata algeciras Strobl (in Hull), 1973 (nomen nudum)
Note: the taxon Anthrax circumdata Meigen, 1820 has been synonymized with the present species by Evenhuis and Greathead (1999), because these authors write that Meigen (1820) has published "circumdata" as a new replacement name for "fasciata". However, Meigen (1820)
has published the name "circumdata" as a new replacement name not for
"fasciata", but for "hottentotta", because in his opinion this name,
coined by Linnaeus, was racist and not appropriate. Meigen (1820) wrote:
"Die unschickliche Linneische Benennung habe ich gegen die
Hoffmannseggische vertauscht" (translation: "I have replaced the
indecorous Linnaean name with the name coined by Hoffmannsegg" (nota
bene: Hoffmannsegg has coined the name, but Meigen has first published
it). However, the name is nevertheless a synonym of the present species,
because what Meigen (1820) believed to be the Linnaean "hottentotta"
was in fact the present species.
For a discussion of the grammatical gender of the genus name Villa see Villa cingulata.