Musca hottentotta Linnaeus, 1758
Anthrax hottentottus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Villa hottentotta (Linnaeus, 1758)
Nemotelvs primvs Schaeffer, 1766 (unavailable name)
Nemotelvs secvndvs Schaeffer, 1766 (unavailable name)
Nemotelvus tertivs Schaeffer, 1766 (unavailable name)
Anthrax flava Hoffmannsegg (in Wiedemann), 1818 (nomen nudum)
Anthrax flava Meigen, 1820
Villa suprema Becker, 1916
Villa hottentotta pamirica Belanovsky, 1950
Note: the name Anthrax circumdata Meigen, 1820 has been published as a
new replacement name for Musca hottentotta, because in Meigen´s opinion
this name,
coined by Linnaeus, was racist and not appropriate. Meigen (1820) wrote:
"Die unschickliche Linneische Benennung habe ich gegen die
Hoffmannseggische vertauscht" (translation: "I have replaced the
indecorous Linnaean name with the name coined by Hoffmannsegg" (nota
bene: Hoffmannsegg has coined the name, but Meigen has first published
it). However, Meigen (1820)
misidentified Linnaeus´ Musca hottentotta: the specimens he believed to
be "hottentotta" and that he renamed as "circumdata" were in fact Villa
fasciata. Therefore Anthrax circumdata is not listed here in the
synonymy of Villa hottentotta, but in the synonymy of Villa fasciata.
For a discussion of the grammatical gender of the genus name Villa, please see Villa cingulata.