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Synonyme und andere Namen:
(1) Sciara hartii Johannsen, 1912
Pnyxia hartii (Johannsen, 1912)
Neosciara hartii (Johannsen, 1912)
Bradysia hartii (Johannsen, 1912)
Cosmosciara hartii (Johannsen, 1912)
(2) Plastosciara perniciosa Edwards, 1922 (syn.
Broadley et al. 2018)
Platosciara perniciosa (Edwards, 1922) (Falschschreibung des
Cosmosciara perniciosa (Edwards, 1922)
Epidapus perniciosa (Edwards, 1922)
Epidapus perniciosus (Edwards, 1922)
Lycoria perniciosa (Edwards, 1922)
Cratyna perniciosa (Edwards, 1922)
(3) Plastosciara latipons Hardy, 1956 (syn. Mohrig
et al. 2019)
Cosmosciara latipons (Hardy, 1956)
(4) Plastosciara brevicalcarata Hardy, 1956 (syn.
Menzel & Heller 2007)
Cosmosciara brevicalcarata (Hardy, 1956)
(5) Epidapus semifactus Mohrig et Röschmann, 1999
(syn. Mohrig 2003; Menzel & Heller 2007)
Cosmosciara semifacta (Mohrig et Röschmann, 1999)
Die Zuordnung dieser Art zu einer Gattung war eine zeitlang
unsicher: zunächst wurde die Art in die Gattung Pnyxia
verschoben (Mohrig et al. 2013), 5 Jahre später dann jedoch zu
Cosmosciara gestellt (Broadley et al. 2018).
Quellen und Einzelnachweise
Broadley A, Kauschke E, Mohrig W. 2018. Black
fungus gnats (Diptera: Sciaridae) found in association with
cultivated plants and mushrooms in Australia, with notes on
cosmopolitan pest species and biosecurity interceptions.
Zootaxa 4415, 201-242.
Menzel F, Heller K. 2007. Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur der
Sciariden (Diptera, Bibionomorpha: Sciaridae). Studia
Dipterologica 13, 209-229.
Mohrig W. 2003. Black fungus gnats of Central America. Part I.
(Diptera, Sciaridae). Beiträge zur Entomologie 53, 1-69.
Mohrig W, Heller K, Hippa H, Vilkamaa P, Menzel F. 2013.
Revision of the Black Fungus Gnats (Diptera: Sciaridae) of
North America. Studia Dipterologica 19, 141-286.
Mohrig W, Kauschke E, Broadley A. 2019. Revision of black
fungus gnat species (Diptera, Sciaridae) described from the
Hawaiian Islands by D.E. Hardy and W.A. Steffan, and a
contribution to the knowledge of the sciarid fauna of the
Galápagos Islands. Zootaxa 4590, 401-439.