Gonocerus acuteangulatus
Box bug

photographed in Göttingen (Niedersachsen)
on June 1, 2008.

Specimen photographed in Göttingen
(Niedersachsen) on July 13, 2008.
No subspecies are recognized.
Cimex acuteangulatus Goeze, 1778
acuteangulatus (Goeze, 1778)
acuteangulatus (Goeze, 1778)
Cimex luteus
Goeze, 1778
Cimex acutus De Fourcroy, 1785 (nec Thunberg,
1783) (junior primary homonym)
Cimex ictericus De Villers, 1789 (nec
Linnaeus, 1763) (junior primary homonym)
Cimex viridipes De Villers, 1789 (p.
493) (nomen dubium, see note)
Type locality:
"Gallia Australis" (=southern France).
Cimex acutangulus
Gmelin, 1790 (unjustified emendation)
Coreus venator Fabricius, 1794
Coreus crudus Newman, 1838
Syromastes cinnameus Millet de Turtaudiere,
Gonocerus venator acutangulus Puton, 1881 (nec
Gmelin, 1790) (junior secondary homonym)
Gonocerus acutangulatus simulator Reuter, 1891
(lapsus pro acuteangulatus)
Note: Cimex platycerus Gmelin,
1790 (p. 2187) is a nomen dubium. Dolling
(2006) suggests that the name may refer
to a species of Gonocerus. I do not agree with
this notion. The species epithet and the
original description stress that the antennae
of the species are flattened and broadened
("Cimex (Oblongus) platycerus: C.[imex]
rufescens, antennis compressis latis rufis").
This would not fit to any European species of
Gonocerus and rather suggests a species of
Aradidae, but I know of no European Aradidae
where the flattened antennae are red. Thus,
the name Cimex platycerus remains entirely
unidentified and I do not include it in the
synonymy, because even a tentative placement
is not possible. The occurrence of Cimex
platycerus is also unclear: Gmelin
(1790) only states "Habitat in Europa";
thus I do not regard it as a taxon described
from Germany.
Note: Cimex viridipes De
Villers, 1789 (p. 493) is a nomen dubium
as well. Dolling
(2006) suggests that it might be a
synonym of Gonocerus
juniperi, but I do not agree with this
notion. The short original description does
not resemble characters of Gonocerus juniperi
("Cimex oblongus, antennis rubris, pedibus
concoloribus, abdomine infra flavo. Caput,
spinae thoracis elytraeque rubella. Abdominis
margines pallide flavescentes uti abdomen
infra. Pedes virides"). However, the color
features agree with reddish specimens of the
present species. In addition, De
Villers (1789) states in the description
that Cimex viridipes is very similar to Cimex
ictericus, which is generally regarded as a
synonym of the present species. Thus, I
tentatively place Cimex viridipes as a
doubtful synonym in the synonymy of Gonocerus
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been updated on January 25, 2013
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