photographed in Frankfurt (Hessen) on July 16,

photographed in Frankfurt (Hessen) on October
30, 2010.
No subspecies are recognized.
Stal, 1872
Arocatus longiceps Stal, 1872
longiceps longiceps Stal, 1872
Arocatus grassii
Picco, 1920
Arocatus grassii
grassii Picco, 1920
Arocatus grassii
fuscipes Picco, 1920
Arocatus longiceps
fuscipes (Picco, 1920)
Arocatus grassii
sanguineus Picco, 1920
Arocatus longiceps
sanguinea (Picco, 1920)
Arocatus grassii
nigrirostris Picco, 1920
Arocatus longiceps
nigrirostris (Picco, 1920)
Arocatus grassii
thoracicus Picco, 1920
Arocatus longiceps
thoracica (Picco, 1920)
Size: 5.5-6.6 mm.
This species is extremely variable in color- no
two individuals look the same. In addition, it
is almost identical to its sister species
Arocatus roeselii. This explains why these two
Arocatus species are frequently mixed up. For
example, when the species was recorded for the
first time in England (e.g. BBC
News 2008) it was misidentified as A.
roeselii. Even in authoritative works the
species are mixed up, e.g. in Wachmann
et al. (2007), where in the third volume
the images 36-38 are labelled as A. roeselii,
but in fact show A. longiceps (see also Barndt
2008). Unfortunately, also the text in Wachmann
et al. (2007) confuses the two species and
states that A. roeselii also feeds on Plane
trees, which is likely to be incorrect, and
rather A. roeselii lives on Alder and A.
longiceps lives on Plane.
The two species can be separated by the shape of
their head. In A. longiceps the length of the
head is longer than the distance between the
eyes. In A. roeselii the head is shorter than or
equal the distance between the eyes. Other
characters are discussed in the literature (e.g.
1998), but these are not useful due to the
extreme variability of the species.
Originally a species of eastern Europe, the
Caucasus and Asia Minor, Arocatus longiceps
currently invades Central Europe. It was first
recorded in Austria in 1995. The first records
from Germany are from 1997 and in the meantime
the species has reached the British Isles in
2007. In Germany the species is recorded from
the following Länder:
Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen,
Thüringen, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt,
Niedersachsen, Brandenburg and Berlin.
The species is currently quite common in Germany
and population numbers are rising.
Arocatus longiceps lives on Plane trees (genus
Platanus). Reports of other host plants (e.g.
Acer, Tilia, Carpinus, Castanea) are dubious,
because of the possible confusion with A.
roeselii. The phenology is also unclear. After
overwintering, imagines can be found as early as
March. Confirmed first records of larvae are in
early June, of next generation adults in late
June and July. There might be up to two
generations per year, but this is yet to be
confirmed. Overwintering imagines may be found
in large groups under Plane bark. Overwintering
imagines can also be found inside houses (often
in masses).