Eupelmus urozonus Dalman, 1820
Eupelmus zonurus Dalman, 1820 (original misspelling)
Pteromalus orthia Walker, 1839
Pteromalus audouinii Ratzeburg, 1844 (p. 205)
Pteromalus dufourii Ratzeburg, 1848 (p. 192) (doubtful synonym; see below)
Eupelmus bedeguaris Ratzeburg, 1852 (p. 199) (nomen dubium; see note)
Note: The taxon dufourii is usually regarded as a synonym of the present
species, but some authors synonymize it with Eupelmus spongipartus (synonym of Eupelmus azureus).
Note: the taxon bedeguaris has been described by Ratzeburg (1852)
on the basis of a single and heavily damaged specimen. He writes:
"Rumpf von der Nadel durchbohrt und zerrissen, daher nicht bestimmbar.
Dennoch dürfte sich dies Thier, da die wenigen bekannten Arten sich
leicht übersehen lassen, bestimmt als neu erweisen." ("trunk penetrated
and torn by the needle, therefore unidentifiable. Nevertheless this
animal will surely prove to be a new species, because the number of
known species is low."). Thus, the taxon has to be regarded as a nomen
dubium, but may be placed in the synonymy of the present species,
because Ratzeburg himself stresses the similarities between Eupelmus
urozonus and his specimen of Eupelmus bedeguaris.
Note: the identity of the present species has been revised repeatedly and
therefore, the taxa regarded as synonymous with Eupelmus urozonus have changed
over time. For the most part I follow here the study by Al khatib et al. (2014).