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Cyclolabus axillatorius

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Ichneumon axillatorius Thunberg, 1824
Hoplismenus axillatorius (Thunberg, 1824)
Cyclolabus axillatorius (Thunberg, 1824)
Platylabus pactor Wesmael, 1845
Cyclolabus pactor (Wesmael, 1845)
Hoplismenus albifrons auct. nec Gravenhorst, 1829 (misidentification)

Note: this taxon has previously been placed in the genus Hoplismenus as a bona species or as a synonym of Hoplismenus albifrons. Riedel (2014) has studied the holotype of Ichneumon axillatorius and has found that this Ichneumon xilltorius does not belong in the genus Hoplismenus and  is actually conspecific with Cyclolabus pactor. Because axillatorius is the older name it becomes the valid name for the species.

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