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Dichrostigma flavipes

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No subspecies are recognized.

Original description

Raphidia affinis Schneider, 1843 (nec Stephens, 1836) (junior homonym)
Raphidia flavipes Stein, 1863
Dichrostigma flavipes (Stein, 1863)
Raphidia flaviceps Klapalek, 1901 (lapsus)
Subilla sulfuricosta Steinmann, 1963
Raphidia sinica Steinmann, 1964
Raphidia maculicaput Steinmann, 1964
Raphidia dichroma Steinmann, 1964
Raphidia durmitorica Steinmann, 1964
Raphidia monotona Steinmann, 1964
Subilla balesdenti Poivre, 1991
Raphidia ophiopsis auct. nec Linnaeus, 1758 (misidentification)
Raphidia notata auct. nec Fabricius, 1781 (misidentification)
Raphidia baetica auct. nec Rambur, 1842 (misidentification)

Note: Subilla balesdenti is based on two female specimens (that are lost: see Aspöck et al. 2001) that most probably were freshly hatched (and therefore not yet fully pigmented) specimens of the present species.






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This site is online since May 31, 2005
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