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Subilla confinis

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Original description

Raphidia confinis Stephens, 1836
Subilla confinis (Stephens, 1836)
Raphidia cognata Rambur, 1842
Raphidia schneideri Ratzeburg, 1844
Subilla schneideri (Ratzeburg, 1844)
Raphidia colubroides Costa, 1855
Raphidia bavarica Hagen, 1867 (unclear synonym)
Raphidia sericea Albarda, 1891
Subilla sericea (Albarda, 1891)
Raphidia xanthostigma auct. nec Schummel, 1832 (a misidentification)
Raphidia cognota auct. (lapsus)
Raphidia schneiderii auct. (unjustified emendation)

Note: Raphidia bavarica is a doubtful taxon and is listed as a nomen dubium by Aspöck et al. (1991). These authors suggest that the individual specimen that formed the basis of the original description (and that has been lost) was a dried out specimen of Subilla confinis, and that the differences in genital morphology given by Hagen (1867) were caused by desiccation. I follow this interpretation here and include the name in the synonymy of Subilla confinis.

Note: Raphidia immaculata Donovan, 1800 is a taxon described from the UK. The description is inadequate for its identification, but because it is said to lack a pterostigma it must belong to one of those British species with a yellow/transparent pterostigma. Thus, the name is a synonym of either Subilla confinis, Xanthostigma xanthostigma, or Atlantoraphidia maculicollis.






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This site is online since May 31, 2005
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