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Henia vesuviana

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Scolopendra fusca De Fourcroy, 1785 (nomen oblitum)
Geophilus vesuviana Newport, 1845 (nomen protectum)
Chaetechelyne vesuviana Newport, 1845
Henia vesuviana (Newport, 1845)
Geophilus convolvens Fabre, 1855
Geophilus canestrinii Fedrizzi, 1876
Chaetechelyne helvetica Verhoeff, 1935
Chaetechelyne grisea Verhoeff, 1942
Chaetechelyne corsica Verhoeff, 1943
Chaetechelyne vittata Verhoeff, 1943
Chaetechelyne sorattina Verhoeff, 1951 (see note below)

Note: Chaetechelyne duboscqui Verhoeff, 1943 is often regarded as identical with the present species, but its true identity is unclear. Therefore, Bonato and Minelli (2014) retain it as a doubtful but separate species, and I follow this notion here.

Note: Chaetechelyne ruffoi Matic et Darabantu, 1968 is often regarded as identical with the present species, but its true identity is unclear. Therefore, Bonato and Minelli (2014) retain it as a doubtful but separate species, and I follow this notion here.

Note: Chaetechelyne sorattina is a problematic taxon and has previously been regarded as a separate species or has been synonymized with Henia pharyngealis (itself a synonym of Henia montana).

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