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Geophilus alpinus

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Geophilus impressus C. L. Koch, 1847 (see note)
Geophilus palustris C. L. Koch, 1863 (see note)
Geophilus alpinus Meinert, 1870
Geophilus insculptus Attems, 1895
Geophilus proximus rhenanus Verhoeff, 1895
Geophilus insculptus rhenanus (Verhoeff, 1895)
Geophilus rhenanus (Verhoeff, 1895)
Geophilus glacialis Verhoeff, 1928
Geophilus insculptus tauerorum Verhoeff, 1928
Geophilus anglicanus Bagnall, 1935
Geophilus glacialis inermis Verhoeff, 1938
Geophilus langkofelanus Verhoeff, 1938
Geophilus glacialis unguiculatus Verhoeff, 1938
Geophilus glocknerensis Verhoeff, 1940
Geophilus moellensis Verhoeff, 1940

Note: the identity of the taxa impressus and palustris has been unclear in the past and the names have been synoynmized with several other taxa. Bonato and Minelli (2014) argue that these names are senior synonyms of Geophilus alpinus. However, they have referred the case to the Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, because these names are rarely used. However, the present species has for a long time been known by the name Geophilus insculptus. Thus, the most-used name for the species is not alpinus, but insculptus. If the older names are disregarded, then also alpinus should be disregarded and the name insculptus should be the valid name. Alternatively, the oldest name should be used, which is impressus. Until the Commission has not ruled about the demise of the older names impressus and palustris, alpestris is the oldest undisputed name and I regard it as provisionally valid.

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