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Pachymerium ferrugineum

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Geophilus ferrugineus C. L. Koch, 1835
Pachymerium ferrugineum (C. L. Koch, 1835)
Mecistocephalus punctilabium Newport, 1843
Pachymerium punctilabium (Newport, 1843)
Geophilus angustiventris Kessler, 1874
Geophilus paradoxus Toemoesvary, 1880
Pachymerium ferrugineum helveticum Verhoeff, 1902
Pachymerium ferrugineum insulanum Verhoeff, 1902
Geophilus caucasicus Attems, 1903 (nec Sseliwanof, 1884; junior primary homonym)
Pachymerium caucasicum (Attems, 1903)
Pachymerium ferrugineum caucasicum (Attems, 1903)
Geophilus felix Attems, 1947
Pachymerium ferrugineum delattini Verhoeff, 1951
Pachymerium tabacarui Capuse, 1968

Note: Although some authors have synonymized Pachymerium atticum Verhoeff, 1901 with Pachymerium ferrugineum, it is not a synonym of the present species (Bonato and Minelli 2014).

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