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Stigmatogaster subterranea

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Two forms have been described, the status of which is unclear. I tentatively regard them here as subspecies, but they might as well be intraspecific variants or separate species. Only the nominate form occurs in Germany.
(1) Stigmatogaster subterranea subterranea (Shaw, 1789)
(2) Stigmatogaster subterranea complanata Chalande et Ribaut, 1903

Synonymy of Stigmatogaster subterranea subterranea:

Scolopendra subterranea Shaw, 1789
Geophilus subterraneus (Shaw, 1789)
Stigmatogaster subterraneus (Shaw, 1789) (lapsus)
Stigmatogaster subterranea (Shaw, 1789)
Stigmatogaster subterranea subterranea (Shaw, 1789)
Himantarium subterraneum (Shaw, 1789)
Geophilus humuli Newport, 1845
Himantarium gervaisii Plateau, 1872
Stigmatogaster podopenes Attems, 1908

Note: the latinized word "gaster" is feminine, thus the often used masculine "subterraneus" is incorrect.

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