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Schendyla nemorensis

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Two forms have been described, the status of which is unclear. I tentatively regard them here as subspecies, but they might as well be intraspecific variants or separate species. Only the nominate form occurs in Germany.
(1) Schendyla nemorensis nemorensis (C. L. Koch, 1837)
(2) Schendyla nemorensis fountaini Turk, 1944

In addition, Schendyla tyrolensis is sometimes regarded as a separate species, but I list it here in the synonymy of the nominate form (see below).

Synonymy of Schendyla nemorensis nemorensis:

Geophilus nemorensis C. L. Koch, 1837
Schendyla nemorensis (C. L. Koch, 1837)
Schendyla nemorensis nemorensis (C. L. Koch, 1837)
Lintotaenia nemorensis (C. L. Koch, 1837)
Paobius bistriatus C. L. Koch, 1847
Geophilus tyrolensis Meinert, 1870
Schendyla tyrolensis (Meinert, 1870)

Note: some authors regard Schendyla tyrolensis as a separate species. I am currently not aware of diagnostic characters justifying a separation of tyrolensis and list it in the synonymy.

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