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Carduelis serinus
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Serinus serinus

See Carduelis cannabina for comments on the generic placement of species in the genus Carduelis and related genera.

Note: the etymology of the word "serinus" is unclear. Some argue that it traces from Latin "siren" and alludes to the song of the bird and its relatives. Others derive the word from Latin "serenus, -a, -um" which means "clear, bright, happy". Given its unclear origin, I prefer to interpret the word as a name, and thus as a noun in apposition that does not change its ending in relation to the gender of the genus name.

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Male. Specimen in the collection of the Zoologischen Museum Göttingen. Photographed and published with kind permission.


Female. Specimen in the collection of the Zoologischen Museum Göttingen. Photographed and published with kind permission.

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