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Bombina variegata
Yellow-bellied Toad
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(1) Bombina variegata variegata (Linnaeus, 1758)
(2) Bombina variegata kolombatovici (Bedriaga, 1890)
(3) Bombina variegata pachypus (Bonaparte, 1838)
(4) Bombina variegata scabra (Kuester, 1843)

Only the nominate subspecies occurs in Germany. The status of the southern Italian taxon pachypus is debated, but Speybroeck et al. (2010) argue for subspecies rank and I follow this notion here.

Synonymy of Bombina variegata variegata:

Rana variegata Linnaeus, 1758
Bombinator variegata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Bombina variegata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Bombina variegata variegata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Bufo salsus Schrank (in Schrank et Moll), 1785
Rana salsa (Schrank (in Schrank et Moll), 1785)
Bombina salsa (Schrank (in Schrank et Moll), 1785)
Rana sonans Lacepede, 1788
Bombinator brevipes Blasius, 1839
Bombina igneus brevipes (Blasius, 1839)
Bombina pachypus brevipes (Blasius, 1896)
Bombinator pachypus brevipes (Blasius, 1839)
Bombina maculatus Gistel, 1868
Bombina variegata gracilis Bolkay, 1929 (unclear synonymy; might be a synonym of the subspecies scabra)

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The nominate subspecies occurs in Central Europe and south to northern Italy and the northern Balcans. The other subspecies occur in southern and south-eastern Europe.

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