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Rana dalmatina
Agile Frog
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No subspecies are recognized.

Rana dalmatina Fitzinger (in Bonaparte), 1839
Rana alpina Gistel (in Gistel et Bromme), 1850 (nec Laurenti, 1768, neque Risso, 1826)
Rana agilis Thomas, 1855
Rana agilis agilis Thomas, 1855
Rana temporaria agilis (Thomas, 1855)
Rana gracilis Fatio, 1862 (nec Gravenhorst, 1829, neque Koch, 1872)
Rana agiloides Brunner, 1951 (based on fossil material)
Rana muelleri Brunner, 1951 (based on fossil material)

Note: Rana temporaria gracilis Koch, 1872 might be a synonym of the present species, but I list it tentatively as a synonym of Rana temporaria.

Additional English names: Spring Frog, Leap Frog, Dalmatian Frog

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