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Rana temporaria
European Common Frog
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(1) Rana temporaria temporaria Linnaeus, 1758
(2) Rana temporaria honnorati (Heron-Royer, 1881)
(3) Rana temporaria parvipalmata Lopez-Seoane, 1885

Only the nominate form occurs in Germany.

Note: Rana dybowskii is currently regarded as a separate species and not as a subspecies of Rana temporaria.

Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758 (p. 212)
Rana temporaria temporaria Linnaeus, 1758
Ranaria temporaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Rana hyla Linnaeus, 1758 (p. 213) (unclear synonym)
Hyla hyla (Linnaeus, 1758)
Rana muta Laurenti, 1768
Rana muta muta Laurenti, 1768
Rana alpina Laurenti, 1768 (nec Risso, 1826, neque Gistel, 1850)
Rana campanisona Laurenti, 1768 (unclear synonym)
Bufo campanisonus (Laurenti, 1768)
Alytes campanisonus campanisonus (Laurenti, 1768)
Rana rufa Lacepede, 1788
Rana atra Bonnaterre, 1789
Rana muta atra (Bonnaterre, 1789)
Rana alpina Risso, 1826 (nec Laurenti, 1768) (unclear synonym)
Rana esculenta alpina (Risso, 1826)
Rana flaviventris Millet de la Turtaudiere, 1828
Rana temporaria canigoensis Boubee, 1833
Rana glacialis Boubee, 1833
Rana scotica Bell, 1839
Rana platyrrhinus Steenstrup, 1846
Rana temporaria platyrrhina (Steenstrup, 1846)
Rana fusca Thomas, 1855
Rana temporaria fusca (Thomas, 1855)
Rana temporaria typus Koch, 1872
Rana temporaria montanus Koch, 1872
Rana temporaria maximus Koch, 1872
Rana temporaria verrucosus Koch, 1872
Rana temporaria cinereus Koch, 1872
Rana temporaria gracilis Koch, 1872 (nec Gravenhorst, 1829)
Rana temporaria acutirostris Fatio, 1872
Rana muta acutirostris (Fatio, 1872)
Rana temporaria obtusirostris Fatio, 1872
Rana muta obtusirostris (Fatio, 1872)
Rana muta subconcolor Camerano, 1884
Rana muta flavomaculata Camerano, 1884
Rana muta nigroguttata Camerano, 1884
Rana fusca longipes F. Mueller, 1885 (nec Hallowell, 1859)
Rana temporaria marmorata Werner, 1897 (nec Massalongo, 1853, neque Hallowell, 1860)
Rana temporaria nigromaculata Werner, 1897 (nec Hallowell, 1860/61, neque Camerano 1884, neque Wolterstorff, 1904)
Rana temporaria entzi Werner, 1897
Rana muta striata Duerigen, 1897 (nec Koch, 1872, neque Nikolskii, 1905)
Rana muta platyrrhina concolor Prazak, 1898 (infrasubspecific)
Rana muta platyrrhina sordida Prazak, 1898 (infrasubspecific)
Rana muta platyrrhina albostriata Prazak, 1898 (infrasubspecific)
Rana muta platyrrhina paradoxa Prazak, 1898 (infrasubspecific)
Rana muta platyrrhina quatuorlineata Prazak, 1898 (infrasubspecific)
Rana muta platyrrhina alpina Prazak, 1898 (nec Risso, 1826, neque Laurenti, 1768, neque Gistel, 1850) (infrasubspecific)
Rana fusca reichenbachensis Klunziger, 1903 (nomen dubium; doubtfuly synonym)
Rana mehelyi Bolkay, 1912
Rana temporaria mehelyi (Bolkay, 1912)
Rana temporaria punctata Mertens, 1917 (nec Daudin, 1802, neque Camerano, 1883)
Alytes grandis Brunner, 1957 (based on fossil material)
Rana aragonensis Palanca-Soler, Vieites et Martinez-Suarez, 1995
Rana temporaria aragonensis (Palanca-Soler, Vieites et Martinez-Suarez, 1995)
Rana temporaria canigonica auct. (misspelling)
Rana alipina auct. (misspelling)
Rana temporarica auct. (misspelling)
Rana temporalia auct. (misspelling)
Rana temporalia temporalia (misspelling)

Note: Rana cruenta Pallas, 1814 is a nomen dubium. It has been placed in the synonymy of the present species, but is currently placed in the synonymy of Bombina bombina.

Note: The taxon Rana temporaria warenzowi Terentjev, 1923 is no longer regarded as a synonym of the present species, but of the species Rana macrocnemis.

Additional English names: Common Brown Frog, Grass Frog.

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