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Salamandra atra
Black Salamander
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(1) Salamandra atra atra Laurenti, 1768
(2) Salamandra atra aurorae Trevisan, 1982 (Italy)
(3) Salamandra atra pasubiensis Bonato et Steinfartz, 2005 (Italy)
(4) Salamandra atra prenjensis Miksic, 1969 (Bosnia-Hercegovina)

The status of the taxon aurorae is discussed controversially; some authors regard it as a separate species.

Only the nominate form occurs in Germany.

Synonymy of Salamandra atra atra:

Salamandra atra Laurenti, 1768
Salamandra atra atra Laurenti, 1768
Lacerta atra (Laurenti, 1768)
Salamandra maculosa atra (Laurenti, 1768)
Salamandra fusca Laurenti, 1768
Geotriton fuscus (Laurenti, 1768)
Spelerpes fuscus (Laurenti, 1768)
Triton fuscus (Laurenti, 1768)
Salamandra nigra Gray, 1850
Salamandra nera Duges, 1852
Salamandra alpestris Knauer, 1883

Note: the name Geotriton fuscus as used by Bonaparte (1837) is a misidentification. Bonaparte actually describes the nominal taxon Hydromantes italicus Dunn, 1923 (thus properly described over 80 years later!), but thought them to be the Salamandra fusca described by Laurenti.

Additional English name: Alpine Salamander.

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Restricted to the Alps and the Balkan mountains. Recorded from Bavaria (Germany), Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and FYR Macedonia.

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