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Hyperoodon ampullatus
Nördlicher Entenwal
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Synonyme und andere Namen:
(1) Balaena ampullata Forster (in Kalm), 1770
Hyperoodon ampullatus (Forster (in Kalm), 1770)
(2) Balaena rostrata Müller, 1776
(3) Delphinus bidentatus Bonnaterre, 1789
(4) Delphinus butskopf Bonnaterre, 1789
(5) Delphinus bidens Shaw, 1801
(6) Delphinus diodon Lacepede, 1804
(7) Delphinus chemnitzianus Blainville (in Desmarest), 1817
(8) Hyperoodon borealis Nilsson, 1820
(9) Delphinus hunteri Desmarest, 1822
(10) Delphinus hyperoodon Desmarest, 1822
(11) Cetodiodon hunteri Jacob, 1825 (nec Desmarest, 1822, Homonym)
(12) Hyperoodon honfloriensis Lesson, 1828
(13) Hyperoodon rostratum Wesmael, 1841
(14) Delphinus edentulus Wiegmann, 1842
(15) Delphinus quadridens Burguet, 1843
(16) Hyperoodon latifrons Gray, 1846
(17) Hyperoodon baussardi Duvernoy, 1851
(18) Hyperoodon ampulatus auct. (Falschschreibung)

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Quellen und Einzelnachweise
Jefferson TA, Mead JG, Kinze CC. 2023. Nomenclature of the larger toothed whales (Odontocetes. A historical review. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 655, i-x, 1-78.


Zoographia Germaniae wird verfasst und herausgegeben von Niko Prpic-Schäper.
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