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Micropharynx parasitica

No subspecies are recognized.

Original description
Microbothrium fragile Olsson, 1869 (unclear synonym)
Micropharynx parasitica Jaegerskioeld, 1896
Micropharynx murmanica Awerinzew, 1925

Recorded from the coasts of New Foundland, the Norwegian Sea, and the coast of Sweden. However, since the species is a symbiont of several ray species, its distribution might actually reflect the range of these fishes. Some species of the genus Raja also occur in German waters and, therefore, the present species might occur in Germany as well.

This page has been updated on March 29, 2013
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic-Schäper. All rights reserved.

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