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Leucochloridium paradoxum

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Note: in the past, the species of the genus Leucochloridium and related genera have been thoroughly confused and misidentified (see e.g. Szidat 1936; Hsue 1936; Rietschel 1972; Bakke 1978; Bakke 1980; Casey et al. 2003). The present species has mostly been incorrectly referred to as "Leucochloridium macrostomum". The taxonomic confusion also led some authors to propose that all taxa are actually identical. This added to the confusion, because not only were species misidentified and confused, but also were confused taxa synonymized incorrectly. Therefore, reports of species of Leucochloridiidae in the older literature should be taken with salt.

The banding pattern and the green colour of the mature sporocyst broodsac are very characteristic and readily distinguish the species from the other species of this genus (Rietschel 1972).

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Sporocyst broodsac in the left eye-stalk of the host snail Succinea putris. Specimen sampled in Göttingen (Niedersachsen) on June 26, 2014.

Sporocyst broodsac in the left eye-stalk of the host snail Succinea putris. Specimen sampled in Göttingen (Niedersachsen) on June 26, 2014

Sporocyst broodsac in the left eye-stalk of the host snail Succinea putris. Specimen sampled in Göttingen (Niedersachsen) on June 26, 2014.

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This page has been updated on June 30, 2014
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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