Here is a bibliography dealing with computer-mediated communication. The list is divided into three sections. The publications in the first part may be consulted as a starting point for your presentations though you are required to use further sources. The second part contains links to three important electronic periodicals, all of which can be accessed freely. The third part mentions several publications containing a large amount of information. Where indicated they may be found in my semester apparatus within the UB or the TB. Some publications may be available in e-book format from the Digital Library.
Beer, D., 'Social Network(ing) Sites - Revisiting the Story So Far: A Response to Danah Boyd and Nicole Ellison', Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13:2 (2008), 516-529. available here
Bolander, B., and M. A. Locher, 'Constructing Identity on Facebook: Report on a Pilot Study', SPELL: Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature 24 (2010), 165-187. available here
Boyd, D. M., and N. B. Ellison, 'Social Network Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship', Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13:1 (2007), 210-230. available here
Cherny, L., Conversation and Community: Chat in a Virtual World (Stanford, CA, 1999). (TB)
Crystal, D., A Glossary of Netspeak and Textspeak (Edinburgh, 2004). (TB)
Crystal, D., Language and the Internet, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 2006). (e-book) available here
Crystal, D., Txtng: The Gr8 Db8 (Oxford, 2008). (TB)
Crystal, D., Internet Linguistics: A Student Guide (Abingdon, 2011). (UB)
Frehner, C., Email, SMS, MMS: The Linguistic Creativity of Asynchronous Discourse in the New Media Age (Bern, 2008). (UB)
Friedline, B. E., and L. B. Collister, 'Constructing a Powerful Identity in World of Warcraft: A Sociolinguistic Approach to MMORPGs', in Dungeons, Dragons, and Digital Denizens: The Digital Role-Playing Game, ed. G. A. Voorhees, J. Call and K. Whitlock, Approaches to Game Studies 1 (London, 2012), pp. 194-218. (my office)
Heinecke, G., Words of Warcraft: Kommunikation im Massively Multiplayer On-Line Role-Playing Game 'World of Warcraft', MA Thesis (Konstanz, 2007). available here
Levinson, P., New New Media, 2nd ed. (New York, 2012). (TB)
Myers, G., The Discourse of Blogs and Wikis (London, 2010). (TB)
Tagg, C., Discourse of Text Messaging: Analysis of SMS Communication (London, 2012). (TB)
Zappavigna, M., Discourse of Twitter and Social Media (London, 2012). (TB)
Adams, T. L., and S. A. Smith, ed., Electronic Tribes: The Virtual Worlds of Geeks, Gamers, Shamans, and Scammers (Austin, TX, 2008).
Aitchison, J., and D. M. Lewis, ed., New Media Language (London, 2003).
Bambina, A., Online Social Support: The Interplay of Social Networks and Computer-Mediated Communication (Youngstown, NY, 2007).
Barnes, S. B., Computer-Mediated Communication: Human-To-Human Communication Across the Internet (Boston, MA, 2002). (TB)
Baron, N. S., Alphabet to Email (London, 2000). (UB)
Baron, N. S., Always On: Language in an Online and Mobile World (Oxford, 2008). (UB)
Baym, N., 'Language in Computer-Mediated Communication', in The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics Vol. 6, 2nd ed., ed. K. Brown (London, 2006), pp. 523-529. (e-book) available here
Beck, K., Computervermittelte Kommunikation im Internet (Munich, 2006).
Boardman, M., The Language of Websites (London, 2005). (TB)
Burger, H., Mediensprache: Eine Einführung in Sprache und Kommunikationsformen der Massenmedien, 3rd ed. (Berlin, 2005).
Corneliussen, H. G., and J. W. Rettberg, ed., Digital Culture, Play, and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader (Cambridge, MA, 2008).
Crawford, G., V. K. Gosling and B. Light, ed., Online Gaming in Context: The Social and Cultural Significance of Online Games, Routledge Advances in Sociology 56 (Abingdon and New York, 2011).
Gane, N., and D. Beer, New Media: The Key Concepts (Oxford and New York, 2008).
Giddings, S., and M. Lister, ed., The New Media and Technocultures Reader (Abingdon and New York, 2011).
Greiffenstern, S., The Influence of Computers, the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication on Everyday English (Berlin, 2010). (UB)
Hård af Segerstad, Y., Use and Adaptation of Written Language to the Conditions of Computer-Mediated Communication, Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics 22 (Gothenburg, 2002).
Herring, S. C., ed., Computer-Mediated Communication: Linguistic, Social and Cross-Cultural Perspectives (Amsterdam, 1996).
Holt, R., Dialogue on the Internet: Language, Civic Identity, and Computer-Mediated Communication (Westport, CN, 2004).
Kelsey, S., and K. St. Amant, ed., Handbook of Research on Computer Mediated Communication, 2 vols. (Hershey, PA, 2008). (TB)
Linke, G., New Media: New Teaching Options ?! (Heidelberg, 2006).
Lister, M., et al., New Media: A Critical Introduction, 2nd ed. (London and New York, 2009). (UB)
Manovich, L., The Language of New Media (Cambridge, MA, 2001). available here
Mirzoeff, N., An Introduction to Visual Culture, 2nd ed. (London, 2009).
Park, J.-R., and E. G. Abels, ed., Interpersonal Relations and Social Patterns in Communication Technologies: Discourse Norms, Language Structures and Cultural Variables (Hershey, PA, 2010).
Peterson, E. E., 'How Conversational Are Weblogs?', Language@Internet 8 (2011), art. 8. available here
Rowe, C., and E. L. Wyss, ed., Language and New Media: Linguistic, Cultural, and Technological Evolutions (Cresskill, NJ, 2009).
Schlobinski, P., Von *hdl* bis *cul8r*: Sprache und Kommunikation in den Neuen Medien, Duden Thema Deutsch 7 (Mannheim, 2006). (UB)
Schweiger, W., and K. Beck, ed., Handbuch Online-Kommunikation (Wiesbaden, 2010). (e-book)
Siever, T., P. Schlobinski and J. Runkehl, Sprache und Kommunikation im Internet (Berlin and New York, 2005). (TB)
Thurlow, C., L. Lengel and A. Tomic, Computer Mediated Communication: Social Interaction and the Internet (London, 2004). (UB)
Thurlow, C., and K. Mroczek, ed., Digital Discourse: Language in the New Media (Oxford, 2011). (UB)
Watson, J., Media Communication: An Introduction to Theory and Process, 3rd ed. (Oxford, 2008). (UB)