Seminar für Englische Philologie
Universität Göttingen
Here you find what you need to do in order to pass this course:
Each student is required to give a presentation (approx. 30 minutes). The distribution of presentations will take place in Session 1. In cases where we are dealing with a primary text, each speaker is to choose one or two passages from the text in question (ca. 50 lines), which will be read in the original. The relevant passages are to be announced in the session before the presentation. Please send all handouts to me by e-mail two days before the presentation so that I can send my commentaries. You are to incorporate these commentaries and upload your handout to Stud IP a day before your presentation.
Prepare the relevant passages chosen by the speakers. Note all problems and questions for discussion in class.
You are required to consult further publications for more information. Here you can find a Bibliography.
Piece of coursework to be handed in by 27 August 2010.
Regular participation and preparation as well as commitment in class. This may
be taken into account when calculating the final mark.
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