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Press Release December 16, 2006
The biblical accounts of the birth of the Jesus, the supposed Son
of God, are mere inventions and have little relation to what really
happened. Historical research has demonstrated this once and for all.
Ten unquestionable facts argue against their historical credibility:
- Written centuries earlier, the quoted words of Old Testament
prophets did not predict the coming of Jesus, but referred to events
and persons in their past or immediate future. They would have been
shocked by the notion that Jesus' birth was the fulfillment of their
- The New Testament authors derived most events of the Christmas
story from prophecies of the Old Testament and misrepresented their
original intent in order to make them seem to point to Jesus.
- The notion that Mary's pregnancy did not result from
intercourse with a male is a canard. The claim of a virgin birth has
two sources: the mistranslation of "young woman" by
"virgin" (in a passage that clearly did not refer to
Jesus!), and the desire of Christians to place their revered leader on
the same level as other ancient "sons of God" who were
likewise born without participation of a male.
- The reported worldwide census ordered by Caesar Augustus did
not occur.
- The reported murder of children in Bethlehem ordered by Herod
the Great did not occur.
- Jesus was born in Nazareth, not in Bethlehem.
- The angels in the Christmas story derive from primitive
- The shepherds who kept watch over their flocks are idealized
representatives of the poor and outcast, persons emphasized by Luke.
They do not appear in Matthew's story.
- The magicians from the East are idealized representatives of
the Gentiles and of eternal wisdom. They do not appear in Luke's
- The story of the star of Bethlehem is a fiction intended to
emphasize the importance of Jesus - and, of course, to provide an
entrance cue for the magicians from the East.
The logical conclusion is unavoidable: the Christmas stories
recounted by the Bible and those Christian churches that present them
as actual events have lost all historical credibility. Surely Jesus of
Nazareth would not wish Christians to spread lies about him!
Göttingen, December 16, 2005
Prof. Dr. Gerd Lüdemann.