News of the last 12 months

Lecture "Biologie ohne Darwin – Alternativen zum Evolutionsgedanken in der Moderne" (Jan. 2008)
Lecture on the history of precision measurement (Jan. 2008)
Second edition of D. Wünsch's book on Einstein and Hilbert (May 2007)
Dr. Karen Wonders in Uppsala (April/May 2007)

New book: Eminent Lives in Twentieth Century Science and Religion (April 2007)


Prof. Dr. Thomas Junker

Helden und Terroristen.
Die Darwinsche Erklärung der Selbstmordattentate
Thursday,10 July 2008
16.15 h
Papendiek 16
Eberhard Bauer
(Freiburg i.Br.)
Vom Okkultismus zur Psi-Forschung
Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Parapsychologie
Do., 29 May 2008
16.15 h
Papendiek 16


    Second edition of
Prof. Rupke's
Humboldt book 
Prof. Rupke’s monograph, Alexander von Humboldt: a Metabiography, has been made available in paperback
by Chicago University Press; more.

Reviews of the original edition
New book

Daniela Wünsch:
Der Weg der Wissenschaft im Labyrinth der Kulturen.
Sieben zentrale Aufgabender Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Daniela Wünsch addresses seven key issues of the relatoivcely new disciplin of History of Science. She discusses its achievements, and she ask, what its perspectives for the future are.
about the book (website of the publishing company)
At the request of the Naturkundemuseum der Stadt Kassel
we inform about the following conference:
Deutsche Naturforscher
im 18. Jahrhundert:
Kassel und Göttingen
(14-15 Nov. 2008)

deadline for registration: 31 August 2008!
Programme here

on the right: two research institutions of the 18th century: the "Fridricianum" in Kassel (above) and the university library Göttingen (below)

Workshop and public lecture

Ausländische Wissenschaftler
im Dritten Reich/

Foreign Scienists under Hitler
27-29 March 2008

Historical Building of the  Univ.-Library
Papendiek 14

Flyer (pdf)
Report  ("Göttinger Tageblatt", 2 April 2008)
Prof. Dr. Nicolaas Rupke

"Biologie ohne Darwin – Alternativen zum Evolutionsgedanken in der Moderne"

Tuesday, 29 Jan. 2008
18.15 h
Aula der Universität
Lecture in the public lecture series Ringvorlesung "Evolution - Zufall und Zwangsläufigkeit der Schöpfung"

Report ("Göttinger Tageblatt", 1. Febr. 2008)
Prof. Dr. H.-Otto Sibum
(Uppsala/ Schweden)
Die Entwicklung der Präzisionsmessung
und der Wert des Inexakten
Tuesday, 22. Jan. 2008
16.15 h
Papendiek 16
New edition of Einstein-Hilbert-book
A new and enlarged editon of Dr. Daniela Wünsch's successful book on Einstein and Hilbert "zwei wirkliche Kerle". Neues zur Entdeckung der Gravitationsgleichungen der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie durch David Hilbert und Albert Einstein has appeared.
The publishing company's website documents reviews of the book.
Dr. Karen Wonders was invited to the SALT-Forum for Advanced Studies at Uppsala University  as a Visiting Scholar in April and May. She takes part in the Forum's workshop
"Nature Imagined".
List of visiting scholars at the Art History Department of Uppsala University

New book

Nicolaas Rupke (ed.):
Eminent Lives in Twentieth-Century Science and Religion


In this volume an international team of distinguished scholars examines the lives of eminent twentieth-century biologists, chemists and physicists whose careers were marked by the interaction of science and religion: Charles Coulson, Theodosius Dobzhansky, R.A. Fisher, Julian Huxley, Pascual Jordan, Ivan Pavlov, Michael Pupin, and E.O. Wilson.

about the book (website of the publishing company)