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Hyalomma rufipes
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This species is known from Africa, Asia and south-eastern Europe. It infrequently reaches Central Europe with migratory birds, but has not been able to establish stable populations; the first record of this species has been in 2015 (Chitimia-Dobler et al. 2016). The recent find of another adult specimen of this species suggests that the species might become established in Germany (Press release by Hohenheim University [external link]).
Similar to other species of the genus Hyalomma, this species is an important vector for several animal and human pathogens, including CCHF-Virus (Krim-Congo-Fever), Alkhurma-Virus (Arabian haemorrhagic fever), and Rickettsia aeschlimannii (Moroccan tick bite fever) (Hoffman et al. 2018, Vanegas et al. 2018).

Zoographia Germaniae is authored and maintained by Niko Prpic-Schäper.
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