Home > Phylum selection > Arthropoda > Coleoptera > Apionidae


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Genus Apion

Identification key for the imagines of the German fauna

1      Temples (area behind the eyes) very long, at
       least 1,5 times as long as the eye diameter
       ................................ Apion frumentarium
1´     Temples shorter, thus eyes closer to the
       anterior rim of the pronotum..................... 2

2      Posterior portion of the temples is not
       punctate and looks shiny......................... 3
2´     Entire temple area punctate....... Apion cruentatum

3      Entire animal regular oval, with almost straight
       sides of the elytra
and the pronotum clearly
       shorter than wide..................... Apion rubens

3´     Entire animal pear-shaped, sides of the elytra
       clearly rounded and
the pronotum is not much
       shorter than wide or even longer than wide....... 4

4      Upper side of the proboscis viewed from the side
       is straight...................... Apion rubiginosum

4´     Upper side of the proboscis viewed from the side
       is visibly curved................. Apion haematodes


This page has been updated on July 11, 2013
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic-Schäper. All rights reserved.

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