Acidota cruentata

Specimen photographed in Göttingen
(Niedersachsen) on November 23, 2011.
Size 4.5 to 5
mm. Acidota cruentata can be distinguished
from the very similar Acidota crenata by the
shape of the pronotum. In A. cruentata the
pronotum is wider than long, while in A.
crenata it is longer than wide. The habitus of
the genus is very similar to other species of
the subfamily Omaliinae; jizz identification
of Acidota also involves the elongate overall
shape with almost parallel sides of the
abdomen and the small head that is much
narrower than the width of the pronotum.
A wintertime species; imagines appear in late
fall and can be found until spring. They live in
moist leaf litter. On warm winter days they
appear to be attracted to sun-heated sites (e.g.
tree trunks, stones) and then can also be found
on house walls. The species is regarded to be
rare in Germany, but this might rather reflect
the reduced collecting activity of entomologists
in the winter months.
This page has been updated on November 25,
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic. All
rights reserved.