Most authors recognize three subspecies: L. c. cinerascens, L. c. minor,
and L. c. jugoslavica. However, cinerascens and minor appear to be
sympatric in at least the following countries Germany, France, Poland,
thus indicating an overlapping range in Central and western Europe. All
three taxa apparently are sympatric in the Balcans. Thus, I do not
accept their status as subspecies and regard them to be separate
species. L. cinerascens and L. minor occur in Germany, whereas L.
jugoslavica has not been reported from Germany yet. I do not recognize
subspecies of Liponeura cinerascens. This species group urgently needs
more research on the gene flow between the different taxa.
Synonymy of Liponeura cinerascens:
Liponeura cinerascens Loew, 1844
Liponeura cinerascens cinerascens Loew, 1844
Liponeura cinerascens tyrrhenica Edwards, 1928
Liponeura tyrrhenica (Edwards, 1928)
Liponeura cinerascens thueringiensis Bischoff, 1930
Liponeura thueringiensis (Bischoff, 1930)
Liponeura pyrenaica Vaillant, 1968
For the information of the readers, I also give here the synonymy of Liponeura jugoslavica:
Liponeura cinerascens jugoslavica Komarek et Vimmer, 1934
Liponeura jugoslavica (Komarek et Vimmer, 1934)
Liponeura cinerascens komareki Bischoff, 1925 (nec Vimmer, 1916; primary homonym)
Liponeura komareki Bischoff, 1925
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Very rare in Germany.
Stuke et al. 2020 list 4 specimens from Niedersachsen, all collected in 1974.
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