No subspecies are recognized.
Musca scalaris Fabricius, 1794
Fannia scalaris (Fabricius, 1794)
Musca minordomestica De Geer, 1776
Fannia minordomestica (De Geer, 1776)
Musca allevo Harris, 1780
Fannia allevo (Harris, 1780)
Fannia saltatrix Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Aminta grisea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Fannia grisea (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) (nec Stein, 1895; senior secondary homonym)
Anthomyia pini Hartig, 1838
Fannia pini (Hartig, 1838)
Aricia fasciculifera Zetterstedt, 1845 (see note below)
Fannia fasciculifera (Zetterstedt, 1845)
Anthomyia elapsa Walker, 1853
Fannia elapsa (Walker, 1853)
Homalomyia bosnica Strobl, 1898
Fannia bosnica (Strobl, 1898)
Steinomyia steini Malloch, 1912
Fannia steini (Malloch, 1912)
Fannia subscalaris Zimin, 1946
Pont (2002) has studied the type material of "fasculifera", a taxon that has been originally published in synonymy of Fannia manicata.
Pont (2002)
demonstrated that the type material of "fasculifera", however, does not
belong to the Fannia manicata, but to Fannia scalaris. Therefore, the
name has
been placed in the synonymy of the present species.
The problematic taxon Fannia rabdionata Karl, 1940 may be a synonym of
the present species, but rabdionata is only known from the single male caught in Finland (the holotype), which is lost.
Wang et al. (2007)
have assigned another single male from China to this species, but since
the original type has been lost and the original description is
incomplete, the assignment of further specimens (especially from far
away from the type locality) must remain tentative.
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