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Ornithomya fringillina
No subspecies are recognized.
Ornithomyia pallida Say, 1823 (nec Ornithomya pallida Olivier (in Latreille), 1811; junior primary homonym, see note below)
Ornithomya pallida (Say, 1823)
Ornithomyia fringillina Curtis, 1836
Ornithomya fringillina (Curtis, 1836)

Note: the names Ornithomyia pallida Say, 1823 and Ornithomya pallida Olivier (in Latreille), 1811 are primary homonyms: although there is a one-letter difference in the genus name (Ornithomyia vs. Ornithomya) (Article 56.2.), the spelling Ornithomyia is actually an unjustified emendation or incorrect spelling of the correct original spelling Ornithomya. According to Article of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature "a species-group name is deemed to have been published in combination with the correct original spelling of the generic name, even if it was actually published in combination with an emendation or incorrect spelling of the generic name". Thus, the taxon by Say, 1823 is deemed to have been published as "Ornithomya pallida" and is therefore a junior primary homonym of Ornithomya pallida Olivier (in Latreille), 1811. The younger name Ornithomya fringillina is therefore the valid name.
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